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News & Entertainment
Thurs. 10/3 or WHO'S COOLER THAN YOU, EDDIE? Chat (Deb W.)
No one. I've got two tickets to Paradise Island, so I'll see you guys in two weeks. Be good !! Deb W.
  • 8 REPLIES wants to hear from you
Now that the site has been out in the wild in test form for a couple of weeks, I'd like to ask you what's missing as well as tell you what we're planning to do to improve your overall experience of this community. So please send me a message or post to this thread with what you really want...
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Wed Oct 2 chat
Going to try to start a post with html code for pp breaks. Is it just me or does it feel like so much work posting and reading here? I am trying to stay open minded but it is tough sometimes I think we are on our last hurrah weather wise this week. It's beautiful and I have been able to ride my...
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Are black dogs less likely to be adopted?
I think most of us have heard that black dogs are not as likely to be adopted from shelters. I know it's something I've believed was true. This is an interesting article that says that is not necessarily the case. It's interesting reading and I tend to agree now that I've seen some actual...
Fun video with best friend, Shadow
The vet asked me to get a urine sample from my best friend, Shadow. I thought it could be a funny video. Shadow passed from kidney failure in May. I miss her very much. But, some how seeing her great acting skills makes me happy.
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Chatting on Moanday
We had such a nice weekend, weather-wise! I think I probably enjoy autumn most among the seasons. We are "thisclose" on two different rental houses. This one has been on the market for several months and it's really a pain having people tromping through all the time. The realtor is very...
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Another Corey agility video
This was from this past weekend. I take a fall on this one, when Corey and I collide as he is coming out of the chute. I jumped up as fast as I went down as I yell, we gotta finish this. We had only 2 jumps to go! By golly we made it..... by 3/10's of a second. And I didn't end up with any broken...
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Saturday Mindless Chat
Been spending the last two weeks helping to track down a lost dog who has been missing since the beginning of August. He was spotted in this area enough times to warrant traps - and he went into one last Thurs, but it didn't trip. So I went out last night and set the other two traps, per instruction...
Rainy Sunday Chat 9-29-13 10:39 AM CT
I am loving the rainy weather. Everything is soaking up the much needed moisture. The pastures are green and many farmers will get another hay cutting. That's a very good thing around here. Yesterday we had some great BBQ at the farmers market. We also stopped by a new place that brews there own...
Shower Time
AT last I got to take a wonderful shower tonight, first one since three weeks ago last night. Boy did it feel grand to have the warm water running over me getting off all the grime, etc. I use Olay body wash and LOVE it. Also Olay body lotion. With Diabetes I have to try to keep my heels soft so they...
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Tgif 9-27
Trying to decide if I want to ride to work today or not. I am thinking not as its only 46 degrees out. That's kind of chilly for a bike ride and I don't really have any fall riding clothes. But I am feeling lazy making these excuses. There's no option for rich formatting so I hope pp breaks...
harnesses (again)
A few months ago I posted about harnesses. I ended up buying a lupine. Sadie is not a big chewer, but she keeps chewing through them! They a great return policy. They replace even if chewed, but at this rate I'm sending it back every week. So I'm paying shipping, and then I go a week without...
Something to lighten up our Monday!
What does your dog do when you get the vacuum out?
New York State & Animal Abuse
you all know I am content director here at and more generally a dog lover. I also spend a good amount of time on animal welfare issues .... like this one. Though other AGs have made some movements in the animal welfare space, our attorney general here in New York State, Eric Schneiderman, has...
9/26 Thursday Mindless (Deb W.)
September 26, 2013, 12:02 am — Updated: 12:02 am --> Comment Word of the Day | hoary By THE LEARNING NETWORK hoary • \ˈhȯr-ē\• adjective 1. showing characteristics of age, especially having gray or white hair 2. ancient As used in a sentance: Deb will surely stab...
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Mindless chat Wed 9-25
Not needed for jury duty today. Score! Again :) It's a good thing because I have a deadline I am working against and I get to work from home today which means I will get it all done without interruption! I will never complain about being summoned for jury duty again.
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In and Out of Hospital again
I have no idea what I am doing here since this is my first back since the change. Actually I much preferred the old forum. Anway, I had been in Physical Therapy for sciatica and was amazed that after 3 weeks I could walk around for a good while with no burning in my left hip and down the back of my leg...
Tuesday 9/24 Mindless (Deb W.)
I think I told you all that my kid got a job as a case manager in a mental health clinic. Now, all she does is text me all day that saying she is surrounded by crazy people. Bwhahahaha !!! Today is National Cherries Jubilee Day. Cherries Jubilee Champagne Cocktail Ingredients: (Makes two drinks...
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Monday 9-23-13 chat
My mouth is recovering from the dental work. Weekend was busy, but will slow down soon when the track job ends 9-29-13. Weather has cooled down quite a bit, too. I hope Shane is feeling better. I can't remember anything else. Tina 10:25a EDT
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No Saturday Chat today or can't find it.
I miss the chats so much. Also I just got five emails here some were from 2011? lol