Posted : 9/27/2013 11:58:54 AM
I forgot to mention yesterday that I spent a good deal of time looking at those different links you suggested, Jackie & Janice (about the dog texts and auto-corrects). Very, very funny!
Ginger, it's frustrating to get yourself mentally prepared for something like a surgery, only to have it postponed, but it sounds like it was good course of action for your Mom.
Sending good test vibes for your husband and his coworker, Cathy!
They're saying some heavy rain storms are moving in today and lasting all weekend. It's already drizzling and rather cold (low 50's). I'm feeling tired and on the verge of a headcold. I'd love to have a slightly altered version of your JAM-JAM weekend, Deb. Definitely some warm, cozy PJ's to wear, but instead of the Jam drink (which sounds good), I'd like to continue the chocolate milk day celebration and make it a hot cocoa for the weekend. It'll be perfect weather for that!
Actually, I have to muster up some energy to go to a concert in Portland tomorrow night with my friend. If you all promise not to make fun of me, I'll tell you who we're seeing . . . . . Hanson. Yes, the three brothers of "MMMBop" fame back in the late 1990's. They're all grown up now. We're a bit old for the demographic of their major fans, but the show sold out, so apparently we're not the only dorks who bought tickets.