Posted : 9/28/2013 11:44:57 AM
Oooh, that BBQ sounds delicious, Jackie! Wish you could beam some to me here!
Cathy and Glenda, you guys are having the kind of weather I adore this time of year, but which we rarely see in these parts. Autumn is just not a "proper autumn" in the PNW.
As for the flooding, they've got warnings all over the place on the news like it's the end of the world -- announcing where sand bags can be obtained, where to watch for standing water, what events are cancelled, etc. Our neighborhood will be fine since we're up on a big hill, but there are several streets in town that will likely have standing water. My friend and I have to drive to Portland for the Hanson concert; I'm dreading the drive in this weather. I'd appreciate some safe drive vibes, if you can spare them.
Both Oregon State and Univ of Oregon have home football games today -- I know several people who are going. It'll be miserable in those stands, unless you have covered seats. DH was invited by our neighbor, but he declined. He'll be much happier watching the game at home on TV, warm and dry with Ruby curled next to him.
Paige, I hope Gracie's lameness is cleared up fully soon, and I sure hope they find that lost dog. That's a long time to be missing. He must be eating somehow? Poor thing.
Cathy, I feel bad for your DH having to wait for test results. Hopefully it'll be like it often is with tests: you think you did poorly, but you end up doing great.
Edited to add local time: 9:46am PST