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News & Entertainment
Tuesday Chat 5/27/14
I see they've still not gotten rid of all the old threads. :( Rainy day here. We had over two inches of rain yesterday. The grass is growing so fast you can practically see it. DH should have mowed on Saturday.
Saturday May 24, 2014 - not 2007!
Well I would love to know why every time I log in all the posts are from 2007. My sorting says show the newest posts, and I am fairly certain it is no longer 2007 In other's a pretty day here. Good to be home although it was a fabulous week at the beach. I haven't ever...
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Memorial Day just around corner....
These cute pups are enjoying their picnic. What are your plans for this holiday weekend?
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Taking on a Thursday
Almost Friday! Thank goodness! DH and I had a quiet evening and will go out to our fav place this weekend for a nice dinner. I think I might have really hurt my shoulder yesterday. My newspaper does a few glossy mags each year and one of those was ready for pick up. The last pub came in easy to handle...
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If you don't talk to your cat about catnip, who will?
If you don't talk to your cat about catnip, who will?
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Do dogs make you unhealthy?
I was watching the news this morning and they were discussing an interesting Finnish study. Apparently, it shows that the owners of dogs are less healthy then their non-dog owning peers. This is the oposite of what I would expect. Now I haven't got ahold of the actual paper, so I'm not sure what...
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Wheeee - it's Wednesday chat 5-21-14
I feel sort of caught up here at work. The sun is out and it's beautiful - I may ride my bike back from lunch. If only my eye would stop itching (allergies), life would be perfect.
dog sofa or window seat
Hi, Whenever I leave my house, Jake likes to look outside and sit by the door and wait for me. The front door can only be open if someone else is home. If not, the door is closed and Jake cannont look outside. In my bedroom, I have two front windows that he would be able to look out of and wait for...
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Tuesday Chat 5/20/14
Another nice day here. Sunny and not too hot and humid yet. The caterpillars have all disappeared from the parsley plant. Hopefully, they've moved on the next stage of their lives and didn't become food for a hungry bird. They supposedly taste very bad so I hope that discouraged the birds. ...
The other woman in my marriage
I came into the living room yesterday and caught DH with his mistress in his arms:
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Too funny!!!
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Monday 5-19-14
Nice weekend, a little cool on Saturday, but really nice on Sunday. Mowed the lawn, got basil and catnip planted. I'm still looking for a pear tomato plant. That's the extent of my gardening. BBQ'd chicken yesterday - it was delish! Nice to see RonnieO is home! Went out with the guys...
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Making progress
I recently added a new member to my little pack. My rottie had some issues with Zelda, but the daily walks and working them together is really paying off, they sleep together on the couch now and tend to stick close when just chillin' around the house.
Overdue for a Photo Thread NDR (TheDogHouse)
I realized I never came back and posted the Fall pictures I promised. Plus there's been so much since the last post that I have TONS more to share. First things first, all of us last Fall at PennMar Park: The kids: Just Hannah (we've decided to stop getting the school pictures and just...
Thursday Chat 5/15/14
Hard to find current threads with all the old ones popping up everywhere. It was cool again this morning and the sun is bright. Awesome weather. :)
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Hi all!
Just wanted to say hello to all of the fellow dog lovers and post a picture of my rescued fur babies! Zoey is a full breed JRT and Daisy is a Jack/Chi. (look at those ears!)