Posted : 1/4/2007 11:21:45 AM
ORIGINAL: ottoluv
I was watching the news this morning and they were discussing an interesting Finnish study. Apparently, it shows that the owners of dogs are less healthy then their non-dog owning peers. This is the oposite of what I would expect. Now I haven't got ahold of the actual paper, so I'm not sure what their variables were and what they used as measures of "healthyness" but in general, the European literature is almost as well respected in this country as American. Dose this suprise you too ?
It wouldn't suprise me that I'm less healthy then Otto since feeding him innova causes me to eat top ramen
Interesting because there was an asthma study in Europe some years ago that showed differences in asthma prevalence in children rural and urban (urban more), and with or without pets (without more). I'll try to find that.
What can you say? I have asthma that is controlled with medication and probably without dogs cats and horses I'd probably need less asthma control, but I'd be fatter, sedentary and anti-social and those are real risks for unhealthy living.
So you're right; it would depend on what they measured.