Posted : 5/19/2014 12:15:48 PM
hey everyone!
we are at the beach so I will be taking a nap LOL
I am actually stunned at how tired I am, I am hoping I am less sleepy by tomorrow. I guess that being able to relax has allowed my body to remind me that I am tired.
The weather has been great so far, sunny and not too hot. Threatened to rain yesterday but it cleared off and was nice and cool this morning.
As he does every beach trip B has made at least a friend a day and his pointer pup came to visit on Saturday. Poor B was as tired as I've ever seen him yesterday, he even fell fast asleep on the beach - a first - he usually can't relax in all that stimulation. He's back to himself today though, we've had two long walks and he's played with a new friend and a 2 yr old lab who he loves already.
Having seen the struggles of some folks here to keep their dogs calm or playing nice I am reminded of how fortunate we are that being high energy has always been our worst behavior. He never makes a noise and is so tolerant of the noisy little dogs and their ignorant owners. More so than me who gets irritable when their nasty, noisy thing is in attack mode at my calm, quiet dog and they look at me like I have some horrible monster on a leash. I actually told one lady off this morning. Not sure of the specific puppy store designer mix she had but it was nasty and she gave me a dirty look as B still lying in the sand looked at it as it was in full freak out lunatic mode.
I can only admit that every where I go my distaste for small dogs grows. Their owners aren't high in my book either. I know this is unfair to the good ones but I don't see too many good small dogs and owners!
Kate Ronnie looks way too cool and I am so glad to hear that Mozey is psyched too! Lucky dogs.
I hope they let the horse run with it's nose strips. Clear passages are needed for breathing!