Nutrition & Exercise

Nutrition & Exercise
Crunchy treats???
Does anyone make any crunchy treats for their dogs? I am not working now...and would like to start making Gibby some treats that would be a little harder and crunchier for his teeth. Anyone have any recipes?
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Whimsy Agility Vid Whimsy just turned one, so she's still a baby dog. One of my 4Hers was nice enough to get a video of us today. This was pretty much just for fun, without much thought or plan. The video right before this we almost ran over the said 4Her LOL Other than...
going to try emu, what parts to try?
Someone local has emu and says that their poultry allergic dog does great on it and offered to give me some to try with Bugsy. Just wondering if trying an organ or bone or pure meat would be best to see how he tolerates it He is extremely allergic to chicken, turkey and egg. We have not tried duck
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Clicker training "hold"
I have a question about clicker training and backchaining a formal retrieve. The dog will take the PCV in the mouth and has been getting clicks for this. However I'm having trouble getting him to actually start holding the object for any length of time. He will take it with a firm grip but if this...
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Kenya's son agility vid
Video of my Kenya's son Bogey doing EX JWW
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Agility vids of Z and Kes
Thought you all might like to see some recent vids of the pups working. All are taken with my new Zi8 which I love so there should be many more to come in the future. Ziva's weekend practice with me (working on her running contacts - her frames are great but the dog walk is taking much more work...
Crock Pot Chicken
So much for crock pot chicken.... in my enthusiasm to make this for my dogs I forgot how terribly chicken makes the girls itch and they are, bad. I am so bummed because I love making it for them, they really enjoy it and it's not hugely expensive to make. I don't know what I was thinking.......
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Raw bone feeders, question for you.
This must be my imagination. But, I've given Willow about 5 or 6 raw marrow bones now. And, her teeth look much better. But, also, her skin actually looks much better too. It's less flakey. And, this has been an ongoing issue for years with her. She was diagnosed with seborrhea years ago....
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Chicken Liver
I figured out a while ago that my girls cannot tolerate chicken (among other things) as it causes terrible itching. However, I do cook chicken liver for them in olive oil - it's their favorite, but I don't give it all the time. I make it about 2 weeks out of the month and alternate with other...
What brands of dog food would you recommend?
Hey guys, so a while back I posted something about Simba's skin being dry. It seems to be less now, but some of you guys had said it could be his food. Right now he's on Science Diet's puppy formula. A couple of you pointed out that the first few ingredients were fillers or something along...
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Gimme all Your Kid Friendly Recipes
Cassaroles, sandwich ideas, supper meals, HELP! My 5 and 3 yr olds are in a major rut of spaghettios, campbells noodle soup, sandwiches and chicken nuggets/fries! I need some more ideas. Thanks for the ideas. I try to offer healthful things like nuts, seeds, fruits, veggies, but they won't...
Switched, again...
Its a good thing Tootsies stomache is normal. EP is getting hard to find and the price, lets see a local feed store wanted $52.99 for a 30lb bag. No thanks! So since Tootsies weight is right on the cusp of being to big. Ideally, I would like her at 22lbs, currently shes at 25lbs. 3lbs, big deal right...
Nikon C Phase
Here's a few clips from Nikon's second round of protection (phase C) on Friday night: The main thing you can see from this video is that he does not work in prey drive/he is not object oriented. You can tell by the type of barking (he does a real bark...
An interesting thing came up on one of my Great Dane boards. One of the posters Dane bloated and now she is asking questions and people are giving their ideas. One thing that was brought up was about soaking kibble. I guess that is a conversation all in should I or shouldn't I soak....
Nutri Source
I just started feeding Nutri Source Pure Vita. (Duck & Potato and Salmon & Potato) I want to switch between that and EP Fish. They seem to like it, just wondering if it is a good choice. Pella loves the EP Fish, but it is so fishy and Abby turns her noise up at it, but likes this other brand...
From FDA:
Cheese Bread recipe
Courtesy of my Mom 3 Tbsp sugar 1 Tbsp salt 2 cups lukewarm water 2 pkg yeast 2 eggs, well beaten 4 cups cheese, (she likes cheddar), cut into small bits...(IMO I'd get shredded, but it's an old recipe) 7-8 cups flour Dissolve sugar and salt in water. Add yeast and dissolve. Add eggs, cheese...
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OK, Nutrion/Health folks, question about bison...
The place I buy critter food was told that dogs that react to beef don't react to bison. Now, I'm not doubting the guy at the store- I believe that's what he was told. What I'm doubting is the accuracy of what he was told. In my head it's not the same thing as the difference between...
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Homemade dog treats
I'm looking for opinions & thoughts. I tried a new recipe today for homemade dog treats for our 3 year old Boggle (half Boston Terrier/ half Beagle) but had to make a substitution with one of the ingredients, now I'm wondering if I should have done that. The recipe called for powdered milk...
Kong stuffing?
Ive been trying to give Bailey some sort of food dispensing toy everyday when Im at school. Otherwise he gets very bored and unhappy. If I give him his Kong or everlasting fun ball, he couldnt care less that Im leaving lol. So, the 2 toys that I use are the Kong, and the Everlasing fun ball. He likes...
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