Posted : 1/3/2010 11:15:45 PM
This might be what's happening, at least in his mind. I'm not sure how else to free shape it though, without building it up. I first clicked for any interaction (like touching it with his nose). Then I clicked for interaction with the mouth. Then I clicked for a good grip with the mouth, but that's where we are stuck.
Bevo, Shooter, & now Cher, to a certain extent, got confused by the hold. I use a chin scratch to encourage the hold.
I have them take the dumbbell, then I immediately start to scratch their chin. They lift their head a little & it seems to make it a little more difficult to drop the dumbbell. After a brief hold, I tell them "good hold" & treat. I don't clicker it, but instead voice mark it because it's too difficult to manage clicker, & treats while you are scratching their chin. As the holds get more reliable, I fade the scratching out.
The only issue that I've had with this method is that, initially, their grip changes & doesn't look as pretty, but I've found that once the scratching is faded out, they adjust their grip back to normal.
For us, this method has yielded results quickly. Bevo was holding nicely in two days. Shooter took five. Cher is on day 3. She is holding & she understands what hold is, but her little puppy brain gets distracted very quickly, so she's still a work in progress.