News & Entertainment

News & Entertainment
TGIF chat
Beautiful weather here. We had some drizzly rain yesterday but the sun is out today. A lot of schools are closed here today. Tina, how was your lunch with the guys yesterday?
I love this pic!
Dog's owner is an idiot
Idiot trying to assemble bad with his beagle dog. Check what happened next with my Charlie watch?v=XDfNZQT6cR0
Thursday April 17
well today is sort of my Friday, the office is closed tomorrow but I'll be working from home anyway I am happy to say B's belly has seemed a bit better the last two mornings, hoping we've turned a corner he's demanding to go for our walk at the moment so this will be short hoping...
Wednesday Chat 4-16-14
Not much exciting going on here. The weather is gorgeous. :) My tomato and pepper plants are growing and the tomatoes have blossoms! I talked to a friend yesterday who is facing that horrible decision about whether it's time to let her old Lab go. We both cried buckets of tears.
Tax Day chat, 4-15-14
It is snowing here. Mother Nature is very funny. Not much else. I hope everyone has a good day. Off to look for one of these:
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Greetings! All!
Happy to see we're back up and running! Looking forward to seeing old friends from the forum and meeting new ones! Have fun! Jaime
monday monday
Cold cold. Good thing we have some wind. Had the brat down in the river bottoms yesterday. Beaver was active. Caught a blur as it hit the water. A flock of geese has taken up property rights in the pond. Dog was interested. He got right down to the edge, front feet wet, and watched. Then he noticed...
Cats and Dogs
So many of you out there in the community have dogs, tell me how many of you also have cats? Share some of your cute cat pics with us.
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Friday is here chat 4-11-14
Seems like everyone is busy or has abandoned this forum. It's sad, really. Not much new here except we're supposed to hit 60 degrees again today. I may be able to do some yard clean up tomorrow. There are tulips coming up in the yard - finally.
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marley is a cutie!
Marley was waiting for the tennis balls to be thrown in this pic.
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Sheltie Friends
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Dogs become works of art!
Wow, check out these very creative groomers.
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Take me to the beach!
Does your dog enjoy the water? Beach, lake or both?
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Happy Siblings Day!
Brothers....Hurley and Grux! I love my boys they get along so great I couldn't have asked for better dogs. Do you have multiple dogs living with you? Post their pics today in honor of Siblings Day!
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New to!! Hi All!
Introducing my girls to We are excited to be here!
Early April Fools Joke?
I thought it was supposed to be SPRING?! Here is my baby girl, Harley Quinn, in her snow suit yesterday March 30th! Yes, you read that right, MARCH 30th! I know that my area is known to have snow all the way until mid April, but I really thought, with the Winter that we had this year, the worst was behind...
Thinking Spring Thursday chat 4-10-14
I had a job interview last night for a weekend job and was hired. Not sure when I start, sometime after the background check is complete. I trust I've paid all of you enough to keep my secrets.