Pomeranian 101

    • Gold Top Dog

    Based on ALL of my research (and when I go home I will find the exact quote in my Pomeranian book...) Poms & Keeshounds ARE German Spitz

    The wolf spitz was the "wild" dog. The German Spitz is the domestic version. They bred this dog down in size to create the Pomeranian.

    I know exactly what you mean with "Pippin"; look at "Kayla"! She deff looks like a "spitz"... well that's because she IS!

    I'm going to also send you some photos and quotes from my book in a chapter called "the different faces of Poms." There are THREE known Pomeranian looks... Pippin is deff one of them!

    Keep checking this thread tonight, when I get the chance I'm going to scan & upload some stuff...

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks.  One of my breed books does not even have the GS in the index, another lists the GS as a cover classification for all spitz from Keeshond to Pom, and the third (I think it is my UK book) has seperate listings, photos and descriptions for Poms and German Spitz.  What they show as the Pom is the tiny puff ball with the short snout and the tiny ears.  The GS is shown as the longer legged, fancy fox type..... like Pippin.  Like I said, it doesn't matter to me.  I still think he really is a fox :)  He's just immitating  a dog.  Will watch for reading material.

    • Gold Top Dog

    My post disappeared but basically, in the US, the UK, and everywhere outside of Germany, the Pom is separate- it is a type of German Spitz, but you don't call it one. Its like sayng a flat-coated retriever and a golden are the same thing because Goldens descend from flatties and they're both retrievers. They're not.

    Pippen is darling dog- he just resembles the spitzes more than the Poms. The Pom head is more exaggreated and toyish and with the Pom's greater popularity comes a greater number of breeders of dubious skill who don't breed for dogs resembling the breed standard. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    EVERYONE PLEASE CHECK OUT MY THREAD "Pomeranian V.S. German Spitz"!!

    A rude comment from a breeder made me think....

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hey,  What do you know about "snorkeling Pom's"?  Pippin LOVES to play in water dishes with his feet and he will put his face in the water clear up to his eyes and blow bubbles out of his nose.  It is SO funny, but a bit irritating.  I don't want water all over everything.  I also think that Trinket and Winston don't want to drink from a foot bath.

    I always attributed "water games" to obvious water breeds.  All the dogs I have ever had, none of them have done this.  Every Lab I have ever known has done it, but I'm pretty sure he's NOT Lab.

    • Silver
    I'm new to the site and I have enjoyed Pomeranian 101. The dogs you guys have are adorable!!! I have a Pomeranian myself, I did a bio of him if you want to check him out on my profile. Sorry, no pictures. :( 
    • Gold Top Dog

    Hi Jacqulyn,  Welcome to Dog Community!  Your little guy sounds like a real treat.  Why no pics?  Can we expect some soon?   I think there is only one thing neater than talking about dogs, and that is sharing pics.

    I hope we can see some soon :)

    • Silver


             Thank you! Unfortunately, I am not set up for putting pictures on the computer yet. I'm looking into getting a digital camera soon, and I would love to show off some picturesof him!! How are your babies doing? Their pictures are too cute!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hello Jacquie! WELCOME WELCOME! We need more Pom loverrrs :o)

    • Silver


           Thank you! Fritz actually looks similar in color to your little Kayla! So cute! I read her bio and Fritz wanted me to let you know he's single right now! LOL!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well Kayla is currently looking for a boyfriend... she wants the Valentine's day presents lol

    woohoo NJ? Nice... I'm a big time northern girl. I love ppl from MA, NY, & NJ ;o) gotta love our attitudes & accents!

    • Silver

    Lol! That's probably why he wants a girlfriend! Gotta love those presents! I was thinking about hooking him up with Nikkie the Yorkie (my boyfriend's family dog), but she didn't want to play with him. :( She might have ruined her sweaterif she did!

    Well, I hate to break it to you. Even though I was born and raised here, I'm southern at heart. Country music, lifted trucks, horses, and a slightly southern accent more decribes my persona! :)  

    • Gold Top Dog

    SnickleFritz's Woman

    Lol! That's probably why he wants a girlfriend! Gotta love those presents! I was thinking about hooking him up with Nikkie the Yorkie (my boyfriend's family dog), but she didn't want to play with him. :( She might have ruined her sweaterif she did!

    Well, I hate to break it to you. Even though I was born and raised here, I'm southern at heart. Country music, lifted trucks, horses, and a slightly southern accent more decribes my persona! :)  

    lol yeah she "dumped" our neighbors dog a Eski-Poo because he plays too rough with her ;o)

    It's okay I'm from Florida. So I don't have the accent but I would deff miss Boston if I left again!!

    • Silver

    Aww! The Eski-Poo must be heart broken! Fritz doesn't like aggresiveness either, but he does love to play!

    • Gold Top Dog

    yes yes he is...

    But he also taught her how to bark! so i'm not very happy about that! lol she has never barked in her whole life but the Eski-Poo never never stops... so now when she plays with dogs (only during play she'll do it) she'll do this little "RUFF!" and I'm like "*gasp* kayla marie... where did you learn that" and she'll sit down, look at me with her ears back wagging her tail like "hehe... sorry mummy..."