Pomeranian 101

    • Gold Top Dog

    His cuddly and attentive nature, will that change as he matures into an adult Pom?  I have read things about their independent and detatched/stubborn nature.  Is that another owner misreading of the breed.  He is not showing ANY of those things.

    No way! Pomeranians are attention hogs all the way into adulthood. What will change is "puppy nature." All puppies are "love me love me love me!" to everyone and everything all most.

    If you continue to show that his cuddle-bug & attentive nature pleases you he will always do it. Why? Because the number one goal in a Pomeranian's life is to please their owner. As they get older they MAY become stubborn and distant to strangers. Poms are very "mommy mommy mommy!" all most like the shy kid that only wants to be around their mother/father/etc. This is why it is very important to constantly exposes them to people all the time. Show him how everyone loves his puppy loving.

    Like any animal, human, creature he will need his alone time. Sometimes when we are sleeping I'll cuddle and snuggle Kayla and she'll push away, get up, and walk to the end of the bed and sleep against my feet. It's her way of saying "okay mommy we played all day I'm tired and need some space." That about as "distant" as Kayla has gotten. Otherwise she spend most of her time right in my lap or next to me sleeping/playing.

    • Gold Top Dog

    10-4!  He is going to the vet's on Weds for his check up and also just to be handled.  He going to the groomer's on Thrus for a grooming for the same reason.  I take him to visit an elderly friend three or so times a week.  I also want him to understand that he can participate in all these things, but he has to be respectful of the fact that Trinket and Winston also participate, and all things are equal.  He is doing very well. 

    Another thing I have been trying to do is to "send" him to a sitter.  One of my nieces is still home and loves him.  She takes him with all his toys and stuff to her house for a play date.  He does very well.  Also, my mother lives in the apt below me and she babysits while I am at work.   This kind of stuff has worked with all of my other dogs.... I see very positive responses from him.

    Thanks for your in put

    • Gold Top Dog


     I can tell Pippin's got a good mommy ;o) He'll be great!

    Be careful they don't shave him at the groomers!

    Biggest mistake I ever made was trusting a groomer [psh silly me trusting someone with their profession, haha!] They SHAVED Kayla completely when I said I needed a trim... I was FURIOUS!!!

    Her hair never will and still isn't the same :o(

    Thankfully I found a groomer I can trust!!! We'll be going next week, hehe!

    So0o0o when you go to the groomers please please make sure to tell them not to shave him! Pom hair if shaved enough or too short will, can, and has known to NEVER grow back!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    What a nightmare!  My groomer does have one Pom that she shaves regularly, but I do know that the owner wants it done that way.  My groomer doesn't like to do it.  She is excited about grooming him.  Actually, a bath, a good brushing and a trimmed butt is all he will be there for. 

    I told my groomer that I was bringing him over so she could soak him down and see if there really is a dog in there.  LOL!  All I can find is FUZZ!   He was biting and scratching a bit when he first came.  I flea treated him, but I don't know if he reall had any.  IF CAN'T FIND ANY SKIN!!  I think that fuzz goes all the way to the bone.

    Thanks for that info.  I never gave it much thought about shaving him.  I understood that they are not known for matting, only a tufting as long as there is some regular brushing.  Is that pretty much the case?  My Yorkies don't need much in the way of brushing, but a good combing does it.  My Tzu does have a double coat and do work on him constantly.  The coats are a different texture, but I'm sure I can keep up with both of them.  

    • Gold Top Dog


     I understood that they are not known for matting, only a tufting as long as there is some regular brushing.  Is that pretty much the case?  My Yorkies don't need much in the way of brushing, but a good combing does it.  My Tzu does have a double coat and do work on him constantly.  The coats are a different texture, but I'm sure I can keep up with both of them.

    I brush Kayla once every day - three days [simply because I enjoy it]. I have gone a whole week without doing it though. And I give her a bath once a month. I like to use "grooming spray" on her. It smells nice and helps protect the coat. I typically use a Pin & Comb most of the time. Once and awhile I will use the wicker but her hair doesn't really need it, it never gets matted (i.e. like a Bishon-Frise).

    Since he's a poof ball he may need more wicker brush brushing. But I'd see what the groomer sayings after she analyzes him. Can't wait to see the results!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pippin had his vet check today.  He is 17wks old and weighs 4 1/4lbs.  Doc says he is in very good health.  Good knees, passed all temperament tests.  Doc confirmed my suspicions that he would be tall.  Pippin is leggy.  I don't care if he is tall.  I just don't need a "heavy" dog.

    He got his vacc. today.  They gave him just one.  Doc said he is too small to give more than one shot at a time.  He will go back in two weeks for the other.  Then..... we plan the neuter.  I'm not discussing that with Pippin tho.  The less he knows, the better.

    • Gold Top Dog


    He is 17wks old and weighs 4 1/4lbs.

    That's how much my Kayla was and she's 9-10lbs! So you should be okay, 10lbs isn't too bad [and that's just an estimated maximum, I highly doubt he'll be bigger than that]

    lol I love the not discussing with Pippin', you crack me up. Happy to read your post and hear the news!!!


    • Gold Top Dog

    What did he end up being last time you went to the Vet??? He should be at that age where he starts to have a huge weight change 

    • Gold Top Dog

    P'up-date on Pippin.  He received his final vaccs today.  Just going into 5mos, he is now 5.5 lbs.  He is being very good.  So very smart.  I took all three boys to the vet by myself.  I had to ask for a vet tech to babysit while I got Toby (very senior Yorkie) from the car.  All in all, he was very good and very well mannered.

    He is not having any excessive vocalizations, but I did have to correct him a few times about barking at and engaging other animals.  His responses were quick and obedient.  He's a gooooood boy!

    I will no longer get that "fear face" at the mention of someone getting a Pom.  I WILL however, continue to warn people to know their breed and know their intentions and limitations when deciding whether or not they want a dog.  I contantly encounter people who are actively planning to get a dog and they have NO CLUE what they are doing.  SIGH

    I just spoke to ANOTHER  co-worker who is looking for a puppy, but her new work schedule will be 10-12hour days, without travel.  She wants to know why that would be a problem if the dog is in a cage......  HELLLLP!!!!   How do I keep from CHOKING these people?

    • Gold Top Dog

    lol *hugs* ahhh I miss you!!

    I speak up lately! My gf & her bf just got a beagle/yellow lab mix and the thing is RETARDED. They didn't train it at all, and it doesn't even know its name... then she calls me yesterday saying "oh guess what?! the people who have her brother can't have him ne more so they call us and asked if we'd take him and i can't wait!" I was like wait wait what... you can't even train ur own darn dog! When I asked her why they couldn't keep "Max" ("Buttercup's" brother) they said "oh he doesn't get along with other animals..." ?!?!?!? is my friend retarded?!?! #1 paid money for a beagle/lab mix people are breeding for money #2 thinks she can handle a crazy second dog...

    totally know what you mean by most people have no clue about dogs...

    I would totally speak up to your co-worker and tell them its down right CRUEL to work that long... Would you lock a infant in a cage with no toilet and let them crap themselves all day long??? nope... say something like that ;o)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oh, great minds :)  That is exactly the way I approached it.  She is leaving as my co-worker because she just grad'd to be a RN?  Did she miss the class on bodily functions?  I told her to read, read, READ.  I told her I knew she was in school and buried in studies, but now is the time research this topic.  I also explained to her that THIS kind of situation is exactly why the shelters are loaded with great dogs.  She insists it has to be a "puppy".....because she's never had a dog before EVER and she wants to start from fresh.  Arg!!!

    I told her to plan to get her job, do her research, work long enough to quailfy for a good vacation, get the puppy while on vacation, hire a puppy sitter, and invest in obedience classes.  She probably WON'T listen.  I don't think ONE person has.  Admittedly, I did not do that when I got my first dog, but I grew up with dogs and by the time I was in Jr. Hi, I had read every dog book in Carnegie Library, and the grade school system.  I am no expert, but that's what makes my dogs SO good and SO well cared for.  I know I don't know everything, therefore, I am always reading, asking, confriming.  I don't want a problem, and I don't want to ruin a dogs life.

    I love the RETARDED dog story.  It makes me feel like I am not alone.  I swear I live in the Twilight Zone or something.  My neighbor has a Sharpie/Rottie mix that is totally out of control.  The police and SPCA have been there over and over.  They just took in a Pit Bull mix.  Nuf' said.  I keep getting this urge to bang my head on a wall. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Just had to share :)

    collarsandcuddles045.jpg picture by lindy2taylorcollarsandcuddles040.jpg picture by lindy2taylorcollarsandcuddles001.jpg picture by lindy2taylor

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pippin's coat is so0o0o0o gorgeous I'm JEALOUS!!! The Pom breeders I know say the males will always have that perfect show coat...

    He is so0o0o fluffy!! i want to squeeze him!!!! *hugs* 

    • Gold Top Dog

    For all of you Pom lovers out there: [or any dog lovers really]

    I created a Pomeranian website as a resource guide to finding a pup, caring for your pup, etc.


    Let me know what you think so far? It is still very much under construction.

    My goal is to bring awareness to people about this breed and to also help people find reputable breeders in the USA (maybe one day expanding world wide).

    I'd love an suggestions to add onto the site!!

    xoxo can't wait to hear back from you all!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ya know, not that it matters AT ALL..... but I am such a stickler for details..... do you think Pippin is Pom or German Spitz.  I am in the market for some specific reading and visula material about Poms (just how I am), but he is just not looking like any of the classic pics I see of Poms, however, he DOES look like GS.

    I am finding a lot of conflicting info about one breed vs the other.  One of my breed books (international) says that the classification of GS encompasses everything from Keeshond to Poms.  If you look at a post I made a few entries back, you will see a frontal and side view.  Let me know what you think.  Since I had that irrational fear of Pom's being "nasty dogs", I held off telling him he was one ..... LOL!   I figure when we "have that talk", I better have all my facts straight :)