Pomeranian 101

    • Gold Top Dog

    Make sure to post & send me some pictures of Fritz ASAP!!! :o)

    • Silver

    UHHH! I wish I could send pics!!! No digital camera! :(


    • Gold Top Dog

    *gets in car to drive down to NJ to take pictures...*

    WELL at least I've got a christmas/birthday gift idea for Fritz... hehe

    • Silver

    I think it's cool that she has other dogs to play with. Fritz has horses and barn cats, but the only other dogs are at parks and PetSmart. I take him out a lot though, so he does get a lot of socialization. Kids love him! I take him to parks and he sits on my lap while I swing! You should see the reaction of little kids when they see a dog swinging on swings and sliding down slides! LOL!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    She's got...

    Eski-Poo "Moe" (American Eskimo/Poodle) next door currently (but we're moving) he's growing up to be a really obnoxious dog though so we don't really play w/him ne more...

    Labby "Buttercup" (Beagle/Yellow Lab) best friends dog

    Pomeranian "Kody" [he lives in NH] I rescued this Pom and rehomed him and they are bff and love to wrestle

    Kayla and I will come visit the barn, haha. I took Kayla to a farm once and she FREAKED OUT and ran away from the pigs & the chickens... the rest she was okay with haha

    • Silver

    I am dying to show you pics of my baby boy! You would LOVE him!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I hope you will be able to get some pics going soon.  It is so fun.

    Thanks for asking about my gang.  I will give you a brief update on them... and bit of history.

    Toby is my 13yr old Yorkie.  I have had him about 4 mos.  He was put out on the street, I guess because of his age.  I has congestive heart failure, but he is under good vet care and gets constant care at home.  He is almost blind and almost deaf.   Toby is such an old soul, I feel like I have known him forever.

    Trinket is my (almost) 6yr old Yorkie.  I have had her only two years.  Less than a year after I had gotten her, she was poisoned in the March 07 petfood recall.  She has serious kidney damage, but she is also under very good vet care and I give her subq kidney dialysis a couple of times a week.  She is the light of my life.

    Winston is my 11yr old Shih Tzu.  I have had him only a year.  He is a puppy mill breeder rescue.  for having such a rough life, he is so trusting and loving now.  He is like my soulmate.

    Pippin is my 5mos old Pom.  I've had him since he was 3 1/2 mos old.   A co-worker bought him for her mother as a birthday gift.  Four weeks later, it didn't work out and they wanted him to have a really good home so instead of selling him, they asked if I would take him as a gift.  He sure is one too.  I had NO plans to have a puppy.  Not with having two seniors and having two of my three dogs having chronic health issues, but he has worked out so well.   Very smart, very kind and gentle..... and FUNNY.

    I love them all, and even tho some days it feels like they have been with me forever, other days I am so aware how much times I have missed (especially with my seniors).  I know Trinket won't live as long as she would have before the poisoning so I make every minute with her the very best possible.

    They are all so worth it :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm going to have to take a road trip to PA & NJ *scratches head...*

    • Silver

    It sounds like your a great doggie mommie! If you get a chance, check out Fritz's bio. I've had him since 12 weeks, and he's been nothing but a joy in my life for 2 years!

    I was thinking about getting a camera, but now I really want to look into it. My computer at home sucks though, so I have a friend that might be able to help me out. I might just have to use snail mail to show you him!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    One other possibility......  If you have a reg camera... like a 35mm, develope the pics and have the negs transferred to CD.  They will do it at Walmart (probably RiteAid and Walgreen).  You can import the pics to your computer  or have someone upload them to a Photobucket account.  You would have them forever on you computer and you could use them anytime you wanted.

    I see you said your home computer sucks :(    You could do that from someone elses.  It's a possibility.  For a while, I called my niece everytime I wanted digi pics.  Got my own digi for C'mas :)   It is a huge investment if you need a digi cam and the computer capabilities to interface the two.  Think about this "back door" approach.  I think you will be very happy.

    There are different photo sharing sites, I use Photobucket.  Very user friendly. 

    • Silver

    I just thought of the very same thing last night! I actually tried to use my home computer last night and the mouse wouldn't even move!! :( I think I'll get a disposable like you said and maybe bring the cd to work. Thanks!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hi there.  Just an update.  PIPPIN GOT A SNIPPIN' 

    He was neutered today.  He did great.  I will pick him up tomorrow.  He also had two retained baby teeth removed.  Some new pics will be coming soon. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    Glad to hear it went well, I can't wait to see some pictures of him!
    • Silver

    Awww! I hope he's doing well!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pippin... even tho you lost your manhood I still love you just the same :o)