Pomeranian 101

    • Gold Top Dog


    can i join in? i am a pomlover!;-) love em so much!! just want to ask what do you guys feed your poms? i am seriously considering switching my dogs to homecooked..cause i hear they have a hard time for raw. just want to hear pom lovers opinions on nutrition

    btw, cute doggies!!:) kayla, aisha and pippin are so cute like little furballs! haha lol:-) 

    • Gold Top Dog



    can i join in? i am a pomlover!;-) love em so much!! just want to ask what do you guys feed your poms? i am seriously considering switching my dogs to homecooked..cause i hear they have a hard time for raw. just want to hear pom lovers opinions on nutrition

    btw, cute doggies!!:) kayla, aisha and pippin are so cute like little furballs! haha lol:-) 

    hey hun! psh your Poms are more than adorable :o) hehe you make me so excited to get my new little pure bred this summer!!!

    I feed strictly Natural Balance allergy formula products (kibble, canned, and treats) she does wonderful on this diet. I also add a tiny bit of Wild Salmon Oil sometimes.

    I wanted to homecook for my dogs too; but after reading a book on it there is so many things you have to look out for and make sure they get... in the end it would deff be more expensive and time consuming and right now I just can't do that. And since my dog loves Natural Balance why bother to take her off it? Maybe one day (if I feel more confident and have more money) I'll do it.

    I heard Raw wasn't the best idea due to their digestive systems and how they work. Very sensative little tummies!


    • Gold Top Dog

    thanks for the advice pomeranian!:-) your kayla looks great her diet corresponds well with her! My dogs tend to be picky(wahhh) thats why I am really having a hard time. your right though that there are so much to watch out for homecooked meals..

    though here there are few nice dog food brands! just recently solid gold was introduced. I dont think Natural Balance is here :( 

    I am excited for you to have a new friend for Kayla!Smile  hope you really find someone perfect for both of you!:)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I heard Raw wasn't the best idea due to their digestive systems and how they work. Very sensative little tummies!


    So you think processed kibble is "easier" on digestive systems? That makes no sense IMO.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I think (quality) kibble is infinitely better than raw done poorly!

     I suspect the bigger issue with Poms (and most toy breeds) is less one of nutrition and more one of denitition. :) Poor teeth are RIDICULOUSLY common in toy breeds, and while dogs who are used to raw can manage pretty well with missing teeth, it can be hard to introduce a dog to raw who has to WORK at it! Even chicken wings are pretty big to a Pom, and smaller RMBs are pretty much limited to expensive stuff like quail!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Sorry.  It was my intention to post new pics of Pippin, but Photobucket has reconfigured and now is not compatible with the former procedures.  I don't have the energy to try to make it work.  I have posted on other forums.  I don't know why it won't post here.  Maybe later.  :(                                 

    • Gold Top Dog
    while dogs who are used to raw can manage pretty well with missing teeth, it can be hard to introduce a dog to raw who has to WORK at it! Even chicken wings are pretty big to a Pom, and smaller RMBs are pretty much limited to expensive stuff like quail!

    Yes EXACTLY... thank you Pwca. (rolls eyes at those who argue with me about my breed) lol.

    Speaking of Quail! I have a interesting question... if my dog is sensitive to chicken do you think quail would produce the same effect? I was reading that poultry is poultry bird is bird... does anyone find this true?? I'm hesitant to try exhausting meats...
    • Gold Top Dog
    I am excited for you to have a new friend for Kayla!Smile  hope you really find someone perfect for both of you!:)

    Thank you!!! ahhh me to0o0o0o. I can't stop thinking about it...

    Kayla is doing great right now. She's in training to become my Demo Dog for training sessions... the only issues we have is her "pent up energy". After a long day of being in the cage her focus is horrible... I need to figure out a way to exercise this poor lil girl more! Took her for a nice long walk tonight and she's PASSED OUT next to me right now on the couch... hehe
    • Gold Top Dog
    [quote user="Pomeranian


    Yes EXACTLY... thank you Pwca. (rolls eyes at those who argue with me about my breed) lol.

    Speaking of Quail! I have a interesting question... if my dog is sensitive to chicken do you think quail would produce the same effect? I was reading that poultry is poultry bird is bird... does anyone find this true?? I'm hesitant to try exhausting meats...[/quote] LOL, you were saying raw was not good for sensitive "tummies" which is untrue and has nothing to do with dentition. Raw is not hard, there are many, many companies who make premade raw if you are unable to figure out how to feed it or don't want to. Not that everyone needs to feed raw, but saying kibble is better then raw is just nonsense. Chicken necks/wings are easily obtainable and appropriate in size for a toy breed, I feed them all the time to a toy breed. Maybe people wouldn't argue with you about "your" breed if you better researched some things before you post them.
    • Gold Top Dog

    **content removed, rude personal attack**

    For the record... feeding raw to domestic toy bred dog (i.e. Pom) is not the best idea according to my breeder, nutrionist, and vet. Nutrional opinions vary but I'll stick to what my own mentors recommend and I'm willing to share that wealth of wonderful factual information.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I thought you had a rescue from a puppy mill, or at least you posted you did before. Why would you trust the beliefs of a puppy mill breeder?
    • Gold Top Dog

    I thought you had a rescue from a puppy mill, or at least you posted you did before. Why would you trust the beliefs of a puppy mill breeder?

    Why are you in this thread? Do you own a Pom? You have anthing positive to add? .**content removed, rude, personal attack**

    For your information my second dog is coming from a top breeder in the US who I chat with daily about nutrition... can you go bug someone else?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Admin note...no threads are "off limits" to anyone, provided ALL involved discuss respectfully.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pom, did you see Island's cute little Danny pup they're placing? I'm not a proven show home but he's darn cute. :P I'd really like to get a Pom to show at some point- maybe in a few years.

     I don't know that quail would be the same as chicken. I'm actually fairly sure it wouldn't, to be honest- quail aren't closely related to chicken, and the meat is very different in flavor.

     ottoluv, while chicken wings and necks are great for adult toys and toys who are already used to raw, they're pretty tough to get dogs started on. And pre-made raw is ridiculously expensive. (Not so bad when you're feeding a toy dog, but even a large toy like Kayla, who is, I think, 7-8 pounds?, that's going to add up FAST.) But combine poor dentition with bones that are at the max size a dog can handle and you'll end up with a dog who strips the bones rather htan eating them properly. I would probabably grind raw for toy breed pups, to be honest, if I was going to feed raw- and I'm not sure that raw for puppies with developing immune systems is the perfect answer, unless you're VERy sure of your food safety practices.

     If I was doing raw for toy breeds, I would actually look into rabbit and squab (which is hard to find in the US outside of gourmet stores- it's pigeon!) If you can find a supplier though, it's GREAT. Rabbit's VERY lean (not ideal for pups or growing coat) but the bones are again, small, and my experience has been that they're a bit softer (at least, I can break them up more easily) than chicken bones.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Pom, did you see Island's cute little Danny pup they're placing? I'm not a proven show home but he's darn cute. :P I'd really like to get a Pom to show at some point- maybe in a few years.

    Island's Poms are just adorable! Sunny is also a really great person... we keep in touch via E-Mail Big Smile

    I would love to have an official show pup one day... probably when I'm in my thirties and feel like I have the "show world" down pat.


    I don't know that quail would be the same as chicken. I'm actually fairly sure it wouldn't, to be honest- quail aren't closely related to chicken, and the meat is very different in flavor.

    Yeah see I wasn't sure... that's good to know tho


    If I was doing raw for toy breeds, I would actually look into rabbit and squab (which is hard to find in the US outside of gourmet stores- it's pigeon!) If you can find a supplier though, it's GREAT. Rabbit's VERY lean (not ideal for pups or growing coat) but the bones are again, small, and my experience has been that they're a bit softer (at least, I can break them up more easily) than chicken bones.

    Rabbit must be expensive, huh? Tongue Tied The only other route for nutrition that is in consideration for me would be homecooking... maybe maybe one day...


    while chicken wings and necks are great for adult toys and toys who are already used to raw, they're pretty tough to get dogs started on. And pre-made raw is ridiculously expensive. (Not so bad when you're feeding a toy dog, but even a large toy like Kayla, who is, I think, 7-8 pounds?, that's going to add up FAST.) But combine poor dentition with bones that are at the max size a dog can handle and you'll end up with a dog who strips the bones rather htan eating them properly. I would probabably grind raw for toy breed pups, to be honest, if I was going to feed raw- and I'm not sure that raw for puppies with developing immune systems is the perfect answer, unless you're VERy sure of your food safety practices.

    Very well put! Yeah Kayla is 10.8 lbs now!! big girl! hehe love her tho... going to be so different with the new tiny puppy around

    Yeah my breeder said NO WAYYYY to raw... and if I ever thought I "needed" to use this method for some reason to consult her.