Pomeranian 101

    • Gold Top Dog

    Crying I will really miss all of my Pomeranian lovers... please email me jwolpe@pomeranianpuppies.org

    I'll be gone for the next three days....

    Maybe in that time I'll work on the website and get the Pomeranian forum up and running :o) *xoxoxoxo* I love you all!


    • Gold Top Dog


    What to feed is a personal decision, and I respect that you do not want to feed raw, but to say that feeding raw to a toy breed is frowned upon is not true.  I successfully feed raw to a toy breed---also recommended by my veterinarian who also specializes in nutrition. My dog does have some serious G-I problems and this is the only diet that totally agrees with him.

    I also have a friend with two poms and a maltese---all are fed raw---no worries.

    Again, nutrition---a personal decision.  I'm glad that you have decided on a diet that works best for you.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hi Tzu mom,  I'm not exactly sure why I received this response.  I'm not sure if I said anything about feeding raw, but I have a lot of conversations.  If I did say something about it, I think the point I was trying to make (for my personal situation) is that raw would work for me.  I just have too many issues going on here.  I think raw in interesting, but I am not well versed in it at all.  I think if I decided to pursue that, I would consult a holistic vet or nutrition specialist.  I don't trust my own knowledge, and the literature is a bit confusing.

    I would love to see some pics of your guys some time :)


    • Gold Top Dog

    Umm... Emma weighs 20 lbs, and eats premade raw. It's not THAT expensive, for a small dog.


    Quail and chicken are not the same. Emma is allergic to both, but tolerates turkey and duck.  


    One of my best friends has a 4 lb Chihuahua who eats raw, and does fantastically well on it. She also has larger dogs. Another friend has at least one of her Chinese Cresteds on raw. You want to talk about bad dentition? LOL They do fine, too, and are smaller than Kayla.  I also know a Pom/Chi mix who was raised on raw. My own Teenie Weenie was only 11 lbs, and was gorgeous on raw. I don't know why anybody would think raw was bad for small dogs. It might not be the best option for an individual dog (or family), but it works pretty great for all of the toys and small dogs I know who eat that way.  

    • Gold Top Dog


    Hi Tzu mom,  I'm not exactly sure why I received this response.  I'm not sure if I said anything about feeding raw, but I have a lot of conversations.  If I did say something about it, I think the point I was trying to make (for my personal situation) is that raw would work for me.  I just have too many issues going on here.  I think raw in interesting, but I am not well versed in it at all.  I think if I decided to pursue that, I would consult a holistic vet or nutrition specialist.  I don't trust my own knowledge, and the literature is a bit confusing.

    Mdog59---Not to draw confusion to the subject, but I was directing my response to Pomeranian<3, and even addressed my post as such.  My response was in regards to this statement she made earlier in the conversation : "feeding raw to domestic toy bred dog (i.e. Pom) is not the best idea according to my breeder, nutrionist, and vet. "

    My point is that no one will ever agree on the what is the "best" diet, not even vets and nutritionists (as my vet/nutritionist advocates a raw diet)

    Just thought I would clarify.


    • Gold Top Dog

    hey guys!:)

    i respect all of your opinion, anyway i hope everyone will just respect each other's opinion. :)

    pomeranian <3  wow, really kayla weighs 10.8? thats great! i am trying to put some pounds on my dogs haha..they are such picky eaters thats why i was asking if i should give them another diet? btw isnt quail really high in cholesterol? you may want to consult a vet before giving your dog (my dad prevented me before in eating quail myself, its a cheap snack treat called kwek kwek *weird name LOL* here in the philippines and its pretty delicious hehe..)

    when are you going to get your puppy? i am so excited for you.. hahha i love puppies! are you getting a male/female;) im also planning to import been on some waiting list in breeders there... waiting for a perfect foundation dog.:) meanwhile i am excited in my next breeding my foundation bitch is on season and have already selected a nice male(sunterra) for her,will be line breeding her with sunterra lines im really keeping my fingers crossed!

    oh yeah i saw danny from island poms!:) sunny has such nice dogs DW looks like he will go a long way!! i saw danny is a repeat breeding of DW.. :) btw dont forget me when you'll be a sucessful show breeder ^o^  

    • Gold Top Dog

    btw isnt quail really high in cholesterol? you may want to consult a vet before giving your dog



    Dogs digest and utilize fat very, very differently from humans. All animal products have cholesterol, from what I gather. Dogs use fat for energy. They NEED a lot more fat, and a lot more cholesterol than humans. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    According to my poultry books, quail isn't any higher in cholestral than chicken, although I don't know how accurate that is.

     Pom <3, I just realized- your Kayla is BIGGER than Lizzie. :P She's just a hair over 10 pounds. :P

    • Gold Top Dog

    oh i see ..i didnt know that :) thank you for sharing...hahha lucky them!! i like eating quail eggs yum(but i cant :-()

    i give halo dreamcoat for my dogs which have fatty acids, its really great for their coat.:)

    • Gold Top Dog

    just want to share some photos taken by my cousin at my grandmothers home just this sunday:)

    with my cute cousins playing w/ the dogs

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hi again.  Thanks for the clarification.  I'm not sure what happened, but your response was electronically addressed to me and ended up in my personal Yahoo box.  It's kind of nice that it did.  I'm sort of a 'Tzu mom' too.

    My Winston is my Tzu.  I got him a little over a year ago.  He is around 10yrs old.  I adopted him from a puppy mill rescue agency.  I ABSOLUTELY ADORE MY TZU MAN :)   Because of his rough life as breeder stock, his dentals are pretty bad.  I have an online friend who has walked me thru some raw feeding for my senior Yorkie who was having some health issues.  His teeth are strong and ready for business.  I haven't stayed with the raw feeding (for a few reasons), but I fall back on it when I see he is struggling.

    Right now I have three dogs and all three eat differently.  I'm glad the options are out there.


    • Gold Top Dog


    pomeranian <3  wow, really kayla weighs 10.8? thats great! i am trying to put some pounds on my dogs haha..they are such picky eaters thats why i was asking if i should give them another diet? btw isnt quail really high in cholesterol? you may want to consult a vet before giving your dog (my dad prevented me before in eating quail myself, its a cheap snack treat called kwek kwek *weird name LOL* here in the philippines and its pretty delicious hehe..)

    when are you going to get your puppy? i am so excited for you.. hahha i love puppies! are you getting a male/female;) im also planning to import been on some waiting list in breeders there... waiting for a perfect foundation dog.:) meanwhile i am excited in my next breeding my foundation bitch is on season and have already selected a nice male(sunterra) for her,will be line breeding her with sunterra lines im really keeping my fingers crossed!

    lol Kayla is my little fatty monster...

    WELL we totally switch up her diet and I'm loving it... I believe she's loving it too.

    BREAKFAST: Orijen 6 Fresh Fish (dry kibble)

    LUNCH: Innova/EVO Rabbit (canned food) in her kong

    DINNER: EVO Red Meat Small Bite (dry kibble)

    What do you all think??? We also walk for an hour a day plus play time... My goal is go get away from the 11lbs mark, haha! I want her to be 10lbs or under. She deff doesn't feel fat, very sturdy tho... "she's big bone..." hehe...

    So0o0o0o let's talk about how I might be getting this ADORABLE show Parti Pom... ugh... *crossing fingers* if he doesn't sell for his show price I'm next in line... I just feel like he should be home with me! idk we'll see... not going to get my hopes up but I really like him

    The litter I planned out with her will be born NEXT WEEK!!! ahhh... so0o0o excited... I have no idea if I'll get a boy or a girl yet, but once I see the dog I know I'll just KNOW that it's the dog for me.

    LOVE the pictures of the poms!!! ahhh!

    Which breeder you going to go with? If I didn't go with Char I would have gone with Sunny. I just really want more of a Parti Pom right now.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Pom <3, I just realized- your Kayla is BIGGER than Lizzie. :P She's just a hair over 10 pounds. :P

    LOL! I know that's what I'm saying the girl is just not a Pom I swear... BF & I created her own special breed called "Monstahz" hahaha and we call her Keelah Monstaaaah! (Boston accent and all!)

    Speaking of a Pom totally not looking like a Pom (psh what's new) the other day at PETCO I asked this young boy what kind of puppy he was holding. It was beautiful!! Looks like a Husky/Keeshound cross... and guess what he say?... POMERANIAN!!! I couldn't help it I laughed! I was like wait what? Are you sure? "Yeah the breeder said that" and I could do nothing but stand there shaking my head at the puppy. The puppy was four months old and weighed 9lbs!!!! And he was TALL too!

    What is up with all these "so-called" Pomeranians? Driving me nuts where are they coming from because I want to terminate the breeders... There HAS to be a mill around here somewhere that I've just not been able to find. Or a BYB....

    • Gold Top Dog

    LOL! your so lucky that you dont have a hard time feeding Kayla!!:) I think she's just the right weight, she's healhy, happy and pretty lucky to have a mommy that care for her so much!=)  My dogs have to be handfed! it's so hard to make them eat..anyway is orijen Kayla's favorite? we dont have innova here.=( we are currently on solid gold but the dogs dont like the taste i guess..

    Your lucky!!:) hope you get the parti show boy!! I love a good looking parti.. is char offering you? she really has great parti's I think char and dianne finch have breedings together?:)Give us an update when the litter is born already!!=)

    I am planning to import a male that is concentrated on chriscendo and sunterra lines (I just love their dogs!:D) so I am waitlisted on breeders that carry their lines.Haha I also plan to have fresh chilled semen shipped :)

    Kayla must be really excited to have a little sister/brother coming!!=) 



    • Gold Top Dog

    LOL! your so lucky that you dont have a hard time feeding Kayla!!:) I think she's just the right weight, she's healhy, happy and pretty lucky to have a mommy that care for her so much!=)  My dogs have to be handfed! it's so hard to make them eat..anyway is orijen Kayla's favorite? we dont have innova here.=( we are currently on solid gold but the dogs dont like the taste i guess...

    She gobbles down Orijen in no time! Crunch crunch crunch, gone! Very happy that she enjoys her Orijen/EVO diet. Solid Gold isn't that bad! I would say it's right up there with Natural Balance which I thought was a great product (just not enough protein and too many carbs so we switched).

    CHRIS CHRISTENSON came in the mail yesterday!!! I bought:

    • Day to Day Moisture Shampoo
    • Thick N Thicker Volume Response Foaming Protein
    • After Bath
    • Thick N Thicker Ultimate Texturizing Bodifier

    Kayla is officially beyond spoiled... lol!! Can we just talk about how amazing this product smells and works?! Her natural Pom feel of a coat is back plus way more volume after I style and blow-dry. Love it!


    Your lucky!!:) hope you get the parti show boy!! I love a good looking parti.. is char offering you? she really has great parti's I think char and dianne finch have breedings together?:)Give us an update when the litter is born already!!=)

    Kayla must be really excited to have a little sister/brother coming!!=) 

    I spoke with Char on Monday about the Show Parti and the price she's offering right now is currently out of my budget. We're moving in May and have to come up with $3,000 Indifferent so I really can't spend the money to buy a show dog right now... BUT she said if another show home does not take him in with in 2-3 weeks she'd price him in my budget and let me take him since she knows I'd be giving him a wonderful home!!

    All though if that doesn't turn out the litter we planned is due this week or next week... very very excited! I will be sure to let you know when the litter is born, how many puppies, etc!! There's also another one in late May just incase... *sigh* I love puppy season!

    Yeah from what I know Char will stud off to Dianne... their Partis really are just to die for! So excited to be getting one... Char and I talk daily I think she's such a nice woman and gives me advice constantly. She'll be a great mentor and contact to have.

    If I was to go more standard I think I would have purchased from Sunny Shawley (Island Pomeranians) in WA. Once again another very nice person! She's helped me with pictures for my website I'm building www.pomeranianpuppies.org


    I am planning to import a male that is concentrated on chriscendo and sunterra lines (I just love their dogs!:D) so I am waitlisted on breeders that carry their lines.Haha I also plan to have fresh chilled semen shipped :)

    That's REALLY exciting! I wouldn't doubt things to be happening by mid-summer at the latest... those markings are very very popular though but I'm glad you are on a waiting list!!! Doesn't it just make you so giddy to know a puppy is on the way?

    Hopefully after officially joining the BCPC I can start learning how to Handle or just Exhibit dogs because Show Confirmation is something I'd really enjoy taking up... one day I'd love to be "the breeder" of the New England area. All though I do believe this woman in NH wouldn't be too happy about that, she's all ready jealous about my interactions with Islands & the website. She told me I'd be shutting down a large market of breeders who are good people. All I could say was, yes that is the point, being a good person doesn't mean you should be able to breed, there is a lot more that needs to go into it than that. Her main stud is a puppy from Deb in MA who is a large hobby breeder (BYB in a nut shell) so I just ignore this woman... By the time I actually breed she'll be retired by then (ah, the beauty of being young!)

    What does everyone think of Bi-Mar's kennel??? (in WA) www.bi-mar.com She's an older woman, who is very defense about her work; which I expect since she's been in the business for 30 years I believe. She had a lot of negative things to say about everyone else in the business. All I could think was, wow right now I'm witnessing the pure caddyness of the Show/Breeding world.