Community Help Center

Community Help Center
Do Not Adopt Warning - Cathy Bradford aka Ruth Bradford aka Ruth Ann Bradford by StubbyDog Project on Monday, November 15, 2010 at 4:57am For Rescues, Shelters, and Private Adopters: DO NOT ADOPT: An indivdual going by the names: Cathy Bradford aka Ruth Bradford aka Ruth Ann Bradford has been...
Want a cool signature? Use this thread to request one!
To avoid other sections being clogged with sig requests, we're placing this sticky here. Anyone who'd like a signature, please post your request here...anyone who'd like to make one for someone else, this is the place to check.
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Maltese and yorkshire terrier puppies for adoption
Hi everyone, I have a male and a female maltese and yorkshire terrier puppies that are in search of new homes.They are 12 weeks old and have been raised in a family environment.Unfortunately I cannot keep them because of the nature of my new job.Interested persons should contact me theough email larissanesta99...
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I Be Workin' It..
Just a heads up that I've started my new job and therefore can't be on this site during the East Coast hours of 8am to 5pm, M-F, although this week I have the usual Thurs & Fri off for Thanksgiving.
account deletion??
Where is that option? Thanks
Theory of Mind thread He removed my Edit on his post.... and now is really going at it in this thread. I'm seeing red, so would like someone less angry to make sure I'm not just being grouchy. Thoughts???
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Youtube Video- Cute!
Hey there! Awhile ago, I posted about a Rediscover the Pit Bull photo contest, and now we have winners. StubbyDog created a neat video with all the sweet pictures for your viewing pleasure! I hope you like them. Check it out: Also, StubbyDog is creating a...
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gone for a while
ladies I am off to NY tomorrow night through Tuesday night - will have less access and less time for access I have no access most of tomorrow - so apologies for not being around much. Hopefully things will remain fairly quiet Karen
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Suggestion for the "Training" forum
Just throwing this out there, but to me it would make more sense if Obedience was included in the "Sports and Work", or in some way separated from conformation. Often when I have something to share or ask I can't really decide where to put it because my obedience training is part of Schutzhund...
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I appologize, I can't keep this info up anymore. Thank you everyone.
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Account deletion Jenny asked me to delete her account, because she's being cyber stalked. I'm curious if that will remove her from the past threads? Maybe it'd be better just to change her Login name? What do you guys think, knowing the software? Also ...
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Ummm, no wonder the dog got out
I'm short, and I could "scale that fence", too... dumb.
I answered a question..........
to be brief apparently Kle asked Megan (pirate's mom) if she could join the secret santa - Megan sent it to Glenda. Kle didn't want to receive but wanted to send to a single dog owner. The decision we made was to agree to use her if someone didn't come through or pulls out last minute but...
Oh dear Lord.................. gosh I hope someone lays into her
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Need input quickly please - kle thread
I think this thread should be locked - it was OK but now that Kle has responded I fear how this will play out
Enabling Culture
I'm getting complaints (outside of us) that the environment has become very enabling of bad pet ownership. Somehow it's ok to jump down someone's throat in the Training section, but everywhere else, there's too many "there there's" and "sorry you had a bad day"...
  • 14 REPLIES
OMG I am sorry, I am no clean freak, so I may not get to say this, but good God!!! Look at that house! The carpet.... it's ((stutters)).... it's.... it's just.... ((guffaw)) I had to share!! I may be a bad person, but I couldn't NOT say something...
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new subject header (forum category) proposed
I'd like to suggest a new subject header Service and Hero dogs etc For posts relating to service dogs (for the blind, the disabled or sick, seizures alert dogs, therapy dogs etc), Any news or info on the uses of dogs for cancer detection and other illnesses, links to information and research...
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Naughty List (take 2)
Because it hides this thread and soon it will disappear to irretrievable, I thought I'd make a new one. This time, not locked :) (just keep editing this post so all the names are contained in one place and we don't have to dig through to find a name, and let's put them in alphabetical...
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new subject header proposed
NB if I haven't posted this in the right section, please re-direct. thanks I'd like to suggest a new subject header Service and Hero dogs etc For posts relating to service dogs (for the blind, the disabled or sick, seizures alert dogs, therapy dogs etc), Any news or info on the...
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