Health & Grooming

Health & Grooming
Best practices for introducing a new pet to your household
What are some effective methods to smoothly introduce a new pet to existing pets at home?
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Neuture Male Dog questions.
My dog is a year old after taking a few months to think over if he would be neuture or not I decided to go for it. Some of my reasons were that he's best friend (dog next door) moved away they grew up together they are the same age and everything he became very sad and droopy. I decided to fix him...
Can medicated shampoo effect Frontline??
Hi again. Can using a medicated shampoo like Selsun Blue cause the Frontline Plus to not work as well? Have any of you experienced this be it personally or in a grooming business with clients?? Thanks. Lori It seems like since starting the medicated shampoo the Frontline Plus is not working...
Homemade food recipes for dogs may help to reduce the symptoms of...
Sometimes, dogs may suffer symptoms other than itching that may indicate that they are suffering from an allergy, like hair loss, skin infections, hot spots, recurrent ear infections, and increased bowel movements often occur in dogs suffering from allergies.
What do you think are the main advantages of the electric car?
I think that in savings. You should have seen the eyes of my friends when I began to say that the electric car is about savings. Because for some reason everyone believes that an electric car is about a beautiful life, about an expensive life. And you just care about the environment. Look at the options...
The dog ruined the macbook
Hey, everybody. I use macbook pro 13 for quite a long time, it is indispensable for work and entertainment. But recently the battery broke, ruined by the dog, and without it he is unusable. Can you tell me how to choose and buy a new battery for macbook?
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Dog with severe allergic reaction and taking Prednisone
Hey I have a dog who is 4 years old and her name is Prissy and she has been having vomiting and diarrhea all week, she has inflammatory bowel disease and pancreatic insufficiency so I thought that was acting up but yesterday her eyes started swelling and her face and I been noticing for a while her eyes...
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Do egg shells are safe for dogs?
Most of the pet parents ask that can I feed my dog egg shells? Yes, they can eat it.
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New Vaccination Protocol
Has any one looked this over? What are your thoughts?...................................... Dr. Dodd's vaccination protocol is now being adopted by ALL 27 North American veterinary schools. I highly recommend that you read this. Copy and save it to your files. Print it and pass it...
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Dog vomiting and having Diarrhea
Hey I have a dog who is 4 years old and her name is Prissy and she has been vomiting and having diarrhea. She was spayed in september and she been having trouble with the incision, a new vet I carried her to said that the vet that spayed her put the wrong sutures in , he was suppose to put the dissolvable...
hot spots - won't clear up
I have a 2 year old Cockapoo that developed a hot spot 2 weeks on her neck. We took her to the vet, he gave her a shot of anesthesia so he could shave the spot, then gave her a shot of cortisone and an antibiotic. Ever since that night she has acted so strange. She runs and hides in the corner, the basement...
post-op / seroma question
my 7 year old lab had surgery just over two weeks ago to remove a HUGE, 6 lb, lipoma (tumor) on his back. as was almost expected he developed many seromas (swelling/fluid pockets under the skin) in the days following his surgery. the swellings usually came and went within the span of a day if not hours...
HELP artichoke like wart on my pug's cheek
Can anyone please help me identify this skin tag? It looks like an ugly artichoke and it's been growing bigger and bigger! I brought sweet baby Rupert to the vet 2 times because of it but I don't feel like the vet gave him any attention. They just looked at it for 2 seconds and said "its...
Bumbs on inside dog's lip
Hi all, My 1yr old husky mix has these bumps growing on the inside of her bottom lip there's another big one on the front of her bottom lip. Anyone know what it could be? Thanks for your input!!
can anyone comment on thyroxine side effects, if any.
hi. glad I found this site My dog started on .5 thyroxine a week now and there are some subtle changes to her including more panting, itching and was wondering if anyone can comment on their experience with the first use of thyroxine. thank you. also. what is best and easiest way to clear a dogs...
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Why Do Dogs Smell Like Fritos?
Often dog owners of all different dog breeds complain that their dog's paws smell. According to various studies this scent could represent an overgrowth of pseudomonas – a microbe that lives naturally in dogs skin that is not harmful. It is not only the dogs’ paws that smell like corn chips this...
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Groomer Job: Petsmart or PetCo?
I'm thinking of working at either Petsmart or PetCo as a groomer's helper, and then eventually a groomer to gain experience. Do you know which company is better to work for as far as grooming goes? I'm leaning more towards PetCo since they only have a one year contract, where as Petsmart...
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Best Food for Dogs with Allergies
If your dog has allergies, you may wonder which foods are the best to give him to ease his symptoms. Before you ask your vet or run to the pet store, it’s important to first understand the possible causes of your dog’s allergies, as well as the potential treatments and solutions you have at your disposal...
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Beautiful Rottweiler giving birth, this is amazingl!!
I just saw this beautiful video of a rottweiler giving birth to her beautiful puppies and wanted to share it with you guys, nature is so incredible! ►
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Do dogs with Down Syndrome need special treatment?
Can dogs have down syndrome? When it comes to health issues, there are plenty of overlaps between dogs and humans; both dogs and humans can struggle with anxiety , seizure disorders, diabetes, and cancer.
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