Welcome to August


A kennel specifically for long term members to chat
    • Gold Top Dog

    We've reduced the types of ad's that are displayed, please let us know if they are more appropriate. We've also updated the site this morning, you'll see the Thread list on the home page has changed to recent posts and that the insert image button in the Rich Text editor now works.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks for the updates and for the changes in the ads that are displayed!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Glenda, your freezer project sounded exhausting, but what a nice feeling to have it done. Yours isn't the only household that struggles with the "attraction of horizontal surfaces" for dumping things as one comes in the door. In our old house, Tonka's huge crate was just inside where we came in from the garag, and the top of it was always covered with things -- no matter how hard I tried to keep it clean. Now we have a section of the kitchen counter just near where we come in from the garage that is the same kind of magnet.

    Kate, it's funny how much I think of my time with relatives in RI when I hear you talk about clam cakes. That's something you rarely hear out here. Crab cakes, yes, but clam cakes must be a New England thing. There are clams here, but it's the cake format that isn't as popular, I guess!

    Thanks for asking about my MIL. Glenda pretty much hit the nail on the head with her summary. No one can convince my MIL that she should get up out of bed each day, get dressed (even if she only has a shower a couple times a week), go to the dining room for at least one meal a day, etc. She prefers to stay in bed and watch TV, refusing staff who encourage her to bathe and/or dress, not being willing to even cross her room to make herself a cup of tea (she rings her buzzer and expects it delivered). However, when DH has to take her to the doctor, she wants to go shopping and out to lunch, etc. He takes on the parental role and says, "If you can't walk a few steps to the dining room, you can't spend an afternoon shopping and dining out." Besides, he's taking time off work to bring her to these appointments and can't lose more time wandering around WalMart or KMart. She won't leave her room to socialize with neighbors -- she wants DH to sit there and talk to her. He limits his time; it's a complicated relationship.

    Heat advisory here tomorrow. I'm so done with temps nearing 100 degrees. This summer has been unreal. If I wanted to live in Arizona, I'd move there!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Oops, I forgot to say I'm sending good vibes that Gus doesn't have anything serious . . , keep us posted, Maureen.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Tracy, I soooo hear you!  Likewise, if I wanted to live with Deep South heat and humidity, I'd live there.  My ankles are still there, but I don't get to see them for long in this weather.  ENOUGH already!

    Unfortunately, my MIL was very much like yours.  Mike was the only one who could get her to even eat anything some days and he got her out of bed and moving.  Her only child couldn't, nor her only "real" grandson, but Mike sure could.  I'm very glad to hear that your DH isn't giving in to her.  Maybe if she wallows long enough, she'll get sick of it and maybe go down for a meal once in awhile just to get a chance to shop!

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    • Gold Top Dog

    4" of rain in two days, cold weather.  House guests had to buy warmer cloths.  Fun driving when the wipers can not keep up and the road disappears..  Pup is exhausted from playing with kids.  After a bit, he crawled under my chair and watched what was going on.  Concerned but not involved.

    Running out of food.  House guests leaving tomorrow-we may survive.

    Everybody was complaining about detours.  You can't get there from here.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Wow, it is Aug 20 normally hot and sticky  it was 50 here this morning and will be in the 70's today and tomorrow   That is almost unheard of for a Arkansas summer.  We will definitely take it!

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

    New carpet showed up today.  Old carpet got torn out.  Cats.  Still damp after  well over a year since last cat.  Black and soft, with a touch of mold.  Cutting out chunks of wood flooring-I actually have some of the original flooring material in the attic.  Never throw anything away.

    Weather turned nice-now the grass is growing.  I get to spend the day on my hands and knees working on the floor.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Such fun Doug!

    I wish our tropical weather would go somewhere more appropriate!  The heat and humidity are really hard on me.  Plus, I've had a "diaper rash" under the erm....mammary glands for almost a month now that nothing would clear up.  Finally saw the doc this morning and joy of joys, it's a yeast infection.  Lovely.  But, I've got an RX cream for it now and storms are supposed to come through tonite and clear out the humidity and the deep south heat, so fingers are crossed.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Theo has gone to the Rainbow Bridge.  When I woke up this morning, he was gone.

    Our Teddy Bear was one of two runts of the litter, yet somehow lived the longest of all our GSD's.  Since we lost Thunder, Theo has been an "only" and he absolutely thrived in that role.  Many times we've talked about adding another dog, and many times we've decided that it wouldn't be fair to Theo.

    We learned two weeks ago that Theo "might" have a mass on his spleen.  At 10 plus, the possibility of abdominal surgery and chemo had to be seriously considered.  While both had the potential to extend his life, we had to consider the quality of life.  This past week has been a rough one for him and yesterday we discussed that perhaps it was time to consider letting him go.  Last night he took the decision out of our hands.

    From his body position, I think he just fell asleep and passed as he slept, very peacefully.  I sure hope so.

    He is at peace now, no longer at the mercy of a failing body, but gosh, he'll be missed.

    Run free sweet boy.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Glenda I am so sorry, ((hugs)).  Run free sweet Theo all your brothers and sisters including the feathered one are probably showing you all the best places to play now.  Give a nuzzle to Rocky and Shadow when you see them.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Glenda, I am so sorry (((hugs))). It sounds like a peaceful passing in his sleep--and I can only imagine everyone waiting at the Bridge for him--including the Corky the Duck. Run free, sweet Theo.

    Has your heat/humidity broken yet , Glenda? We're still hot and sticky here, with thunderstorms predicted for later today. I am hoping the storms bring some relief. Ronnie is having a hard time with allergies this summer--too much pollen, I think.

    Doug, it sounds like you have a major project on your hands! Good luck!

    I just did some mowing in wet grass. I have more to do, but this part of the lawn was the worst, so at least it's done. If we get the rain they're predicting, I'll need to mow again in a couple days.  The zucchini, tomatoes, peppers and beets continue to produce. The beans seems to have slowed down a bit, but maybe they'll pick back up with some rain/cooler temps. I made a batch of pickled corn relish last night, and I'll try to make another batch today.  I'll freeze a bit more corn, too.

    OK, that's it from here for now. More hugs for Glenda.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yes, it has Kate.  Last time I looked it was 60!  The heat and humidity bothered Theo as much as it did my.  I wish he could have had a day to enjoy the cooler weather, but he just couldn't wait I guess.

    Thank you for the hugs.  I need them today.  When we moved up her 5 plus years ago we had 6 german shepherds, a duck and three cats.  The cats are all that remain.  Add in the loss of a son, and gosh, we've had a lot of loss since we came here.

    Off to tend the garden and find work to keep myself busy.......

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    • Gold Top Dog

    Glenda-so sorry about Theo.  Every time I read about a dog passing, I see some of my furballs again.

    Floor patches completed.  Not as bad as i thought.  Wife went to the gym to avoid my expressions of joy when smacking my thumb with a hammer.   While I was having fun with tools, wife was ordering replacement windows for our basement.  We will have them all replaced just in time to start over.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Glenda, I'm so sorry to hear the sad news about Theo. Knowing that he was possibly dealing with a spleen mass and that difficult, painful treatments were the only options ahead, it's probably of some comfort that you didn't have to make that final decision on his behalf. Based on how you described him, it does sound like he went comfortably in his sleep; I think if he were in distress, you would have known it. I'm glad Theo had his time as the "king of the house" for a while. He was lucky to have a loving home with you and your husband.

    Gee, I remember when I first "met" you and you had such a huge menagerie of animals . . . you have lost so many in recent years. Losing Mike only makes that period of loss even more pronounced in your life. But boy, does Mike have a posse of special pets with him -- they're all keeping watch over you.

    On a much lighter note -- Doug,, I had to chuckle at your description of "expressions of joy." There is definitely collection of such expressions that one uses for certain DIY projects and their side effects, that's for sure! :-)

    Looking forward to a relatively quiet weekend. Dinner with some friends tomorrow, but that's about it on the schedule. I wish I could enjoy some of the tasty, fresh produce that's coming from gardens like yours, Kate. I try to get things from our farmer's market since I don't have that kind of green thumb. Our neighbor has a smaller garden this year, so he's had less to share. And the hot, dry summer hasn't been ideal for all his selections.

    Enjoy the weekend everyone, and I'll be keeping you in my thoughts, Glenda. Sending hugs to you.