Sky seems to be over his problem. Back to vet probably Friday for final check, but he is happy, eager to run and play, and seemed really interested in a young female labby at the dog park today. Real gleam in his eyes. May have to have the talk with him. Took Sky into the dog shop today, and he picked out a cloth squeeky toy. He carried it to the checkout, gave it to the girl. Picked it up and carried it to the truck. Seems very proud of it, even though it appears to absorb and retain drool.
Today was really a day for the books. Beautiful comfortable with a gentle breeze. Long walk this evening-Cable network is down until tomorrow.
In laws coming in a few weeks, which is what all the cleaning at home is about. My solution involves closing doors. Wife wants soap and water. She is trying to get a new carpet in the living room, but time may just be a little short to measure, order, and install. Apparently I am in charge of cleaning the basement bathroom. The door locks, but after 46 years with my wife, I recognize this as a battle I will not win.
Went to a threshing event with the grandkids and daughter. Old time baseball(really different rules), food, displays of old power equipment, food, tractors, food, steam engines, food, and a parade of tractor collections. I never knew how many models of tractors were made by the Ford company, and they all look a lot alike. Grandkids both participated in a pedal tractor pull, and had lots of fun.