Happy new year everyone!

Its not easy to look back on 2016 and count blessings since it was not onw of our better years but I came up with a few...isabwlla Rose was birn, mim survived an energency appendectomy and Ryan is now a department head.. Oh and i luved through several more nasty allwegic reactions.

Kate Im so sorry your mom continues to have problems. You're both in our thots and prayers.

i maybe was still awake at ten. Maybe.i guess the old party animal version of me is a thing if the past !!

Our trip to maine this week seemed rougher this week. We left early Monday in minor weather. Monday evening we shared Christmas with the kids and our beautiful granddaughter. Everyone was too amped for an early bedtime! Tuesday nite I had to go to the ER again s o not much sleep then and wednesday nite we were getting ready for a very early departure Thursday and DH was worried about beating the incoming Noreaster. We did.....had just finished unloading the car by about ten minutes when the storm tripled in untensity! Northern ME got 14 inches!!!!!! So very slowly catching up on sleep.

And hoping that 2017 is a better year for everyone!