Posted : 12/31/2015 3:51:23 PM
I had to go back and catch up on posts -- I've not checked in since before Christmas.
First, thanks for asking after Ruby, Doug. She was fine the following day and (knock wood) she hasn't had any issues since. She must have just had a sudden bout of extreme nausea or stomach pain or gas or something. So weird how it came on suddenly and seemed to clear up within about 5 hours.
Second, I hope you are feeling a little better Glenda. Yikes, I wish I had something to suggest. I'm so sorry you had to include ER visits as part of your holiday "celebrations." You must be so frustrated, not to mention
more than a little worried. I can't remember if you talked about this before, but you were tested for a bunch of allergens, right? And were you found to be super sensitive to molds? I just wonder if it's something in your house, and not diet or outdoor environment. When the immune system acts up, it sure can be tricky to figure out the problem. Hang in there!
Doug, I went back to look at the moose photo after reading your funny story. That is fantastic! You have a tough act to follow for next year. I hope this doesn't end with one of you having to put a LIVE moose under the other's Christmas tree!
We're enjoying some very dry, sunny weather, but it was barely 30 degrees on my drive in today. I know that's nothing compared to your temps, Doug, but it's pretty chilly for us, so I put on my puffy coat today. I actually love it because the sky is so blue. I plan to take a walk later this afternoon, but I'll need my ear warmers, for sure.
No plans for us this evening. DH is preparing a beef brisket on his smoker, so we'll enjoy that for dinner. I think there are football games on he'll watch, so I may watch a movie since the games aren't teams I follow. Unless our neighbors light off fireworks at midnight, we'll probably be asleep when the calendar turns to 2016. I hope 2016 brings all of us (dogs included) good health and many happy moments!