Posted : 10/19/2007 10:18:52 AM
So there was no point in your upbringing where you started thinking independently?
I find that statement a bit insulting. Was there no point in your upbringing when you learned discretion and manners? To answer your question, No, there was a point where I got caught for doing something a punished accordingly (and not by being thrown in juv det, but being educated and forced to learn about what it was I was doing). People do not just wake up one day and realize that "Oh! They were wrong!"...there needs to be a reason why you start thinking differently, and some people never get that reason. Not everyone is a lucky as you that they can just see at 13 why something is wrong. I sure wasn't, and that doesn't make me stupid or a bad person.
It was not intended to be insulting, it was a serious question. If you are going to hold yourself up as an example in a discussion such as this I'm not sure why you expect not to be questioned. I never said that you were "stupid" or "bad" but I am in contact with many teenagers from many walks of life and honestly have not met one who at one point has not questioned their parents. For many teenagers, I would say that the fact that their parents believe something is enough for them to question it.
I know many people who stopped believing what their parents do religiously not because of some earth shattering event, but because one day they're like "Wait, that doesn't make sense" or "Wow, this is stupid," etc. This happens everyday. If you can dispute any of the examples I gave, you are welcome to.
I'm sure you realize that dog fighting laws are notorious for NOT being properly enforced, so we really don't know if the rotting in jail plan with work until we have locked up every last dog fighter, now do we? As someone who is tired of being worried about her dog being stolen, it's worth a shot. Personally, I think we should stop locking people up for stupid offenses like drug use and prostitution and start locking them up longer for things like animal cruelty.