Posted : 1/25/2009 10:56:00 AM
I am a horse lover. I have 2 right now who will be here until the end of their days as long as me or my husband is here. Horse slaughter I think is a terrible thing, but so is euthanising healthy dogs. But what would you do with them all if you stopped euthanising them with no other pan in effect as to what to do with them all. that is what happened with horse slaughter, and PETA had a huge hand in it. Are they stepping in now to save all the wonderful horses, I haven't seen or heard it yet.
How can you love horses and not be against the terrible practice of slaughtering them, and the conditions there. But now horses are hauled longer distances to go to Mexico and Canada and they are slaughtered there with even less regualtion as to how or the conditions. there are also already cases of people dropping off unwanted horses, and in WV there is a whole herd of old, sick, etc horses that were turned out. A group of people who I will not name are known for shutting a horse up in the lower level of their barns until they die if they cannot get rid of it. true or not, who really knows unless you have seen it? Horses are being abandoned at auctions all the time. A friend in another horse forum just rescued one that was left at an auction house.
As long as people indiscriminately breed any kind of animal there will be excess animals with no homes to deal with. What do you do with them? Horse or dog or cat? I would have spent my huge pile of money on changing the ways the slaughter houses were run and regulated, not subjecting these wonderful creatures to being left to starve, or transported in overcrowded trailers to another country to be slaughtered with little or no regulation. And we can thank PETA. I have gotten ad mail trying to get horse slaughter stopped before. It actually said that there are people and rescues all over the country that want these horses, but they can't outbid the kill buyers. Sadly, people actually believe this. Well, i better get off my soapbox. Sorry. Julie