PLEASE Help! Dog belly question

    • Gold Top Dog

    PLEASE Help! Dog belly question

    Joey's belly turned PURPLE!!!

    I noticed it late yesterday (as I did his weekly grooming). He doesn't have a lot of hair on his belly (he's a beagle mutt) and the hair he does have is mostly white. His belly used to always be pretty much light pink (with very few darker spots). Yesterday I noticed that it turned a deep purple color.

    It doesn't hurt him at all when I touch it, the skin feels normal, but it looks weird! Now I noticed that his pee pee turned purple as well?!? Freaking out here a little bit! He acts normal, eats, drinks, goes potty as usual, normal energy level.

    Does anyone have an idea???? Of course I will take him to the vet tomorrow but do you think it's an emergency and requires immediate attention? Does anyone have any experience with this?

     Thanks so much!!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I would have my dog in right away. Purple could be something with his blood. I think you should take him to the vet. Just my opinion. I hope it's nothing serious.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Sounds to me like he's laying in something -- a new rug, a new blanket, lying on newsprint ...

    Sorry - I gotta ask -- when you say his 'pee pee' do you mean his body part or urine?

     Have you tried a washcloth with warm soapy water to try to WASH it off?  It truly sounds like he's laid in something dyed.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks for your answers!

    I actually meant his body part. It's not color, I tried cleaning him and it does not come off. I'll try to take a picture and post it as well. I don't think that he's laid on anything new either. I'm clueless and worred :(

    Definitely calling the vet early tomorrow.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Try a little alcohol -- (that will move some color)

    • Gold Top Dog

    Here's  picture of his belly.

    The "dark" part on the right side of his tummy is what's new, also the color on his penis. There are a few very light spots above these and those have been there forever, just his normal pigmentation. I'll try the alcohol... and let you know how it goes.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Nope, alcohol didn't do anything. It's really his skin. It looks so dark that I am worried about blood but he doesn't seem bothered by it. Even rubbing it with the alcohol didn't bother him!

    • Gold Top Dog

    It looks pink here, not so much purple, so maybe I'm not getting a good image.  It looks like an allergy/irritation to me.  My dog used to look like that if I didn't do an extra rinse when washing her blankets.

    • Gold Top Dog

    To me, it looks like his pigmentation is changing.  Many dogs will get darker spots as they get older.  Rose got a TON between 8 months and a year.  She stayed at my mentor's during that time while I went to visit my mom and California.  I didn't even think she was the same dog when I got back because she had so many spots on her belly.

    • Gold Top Dog

    He looks normal.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Has he been sunbathing? I know that's a silly question, but.... Emma's belly looks pink over the winter, then when she starts spending more time outside, her spots get tanned! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ditto...looks like normal pigmentation change to me...esp if this is  a puppy growing into an adult dog.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I see where you're talking about.  It's a small spot compared to the whole dog right?  It looks like a bruise maybe?  I would certainly take a trip in to the vet to have them look.  Has he lain on anything hard?  Like over the edge of a sofa arm or something?  Or jumped and fallen on something instead of landing neatly?
    • Gold Top Dog

    Most of his belly looks normal, but the dark spot just to the right of his penis looks like a bruise or hyperpigmentation. What breed is this dog? (Never mind. I see he's a Beagle Mix)

    • Gold Top Dog

    It looks normal to me -- Sammy looks very similar.  His pigmentation changed a lot and is still changing at almost 3 yrs old so it might be that if the dog is younger.  Sammy also has varying color patches on his penis as well, but it's just the color of his skin.  If you're worried then go to the vet -- nothing is better than having peace of mind!