"Demon Dog" Appears in Wedding Photograph

    • Gold Top Dog

    "Demon Dog" Appears in Wedding Photograph

    Look at this video and see what you think... It's creepy. 

    Wedding Picture Appears Paranormal 

    It's a picture you have to really look at. And when you do, you'll notice something is just not normal. In fact, it might be paranormal. FOX 31's Tammy Vigil reports.



    • Gold Top Dog

    LOL....where'd they find these "experts"?

    Have they returned to the scene to re connoiter? In these days of Photoshop...yyyyeah.

    To be honest it looks like a stuffed critter.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I did have a young neighbor once who was around 21, and she had a terrible drug and drinking problem. She brought me down a stack of pictures of her at a party with different friends (these were prints back in the day when you had them developed into prints) and they were of different poses, in differents areas during the party. Each one that contained her in it had a smear about 2 feet above her head that looked like a scary face. I at first thought it was a developeing problem or a smear on the lens but she was in some to the left (face would be to the left) and some to the right (face to the right) and some in the middle and each one had the face (if she was in the picture).

     She had asked me if this could be demonic and I told her that anything is possible and suggested she seek a professional's opinion. We moved shortly after that and I have often wondered about those pictures.



    • Gold Top Dog

    I love reading about paranormal stuff.  It's not that I believe or don't believe, I just like to freak myself out.  The only pictures that really freak me out are ones with "vortex anomalies" that actually pass through an object or a person and shadow other objects in the picture.  However, I've faked my own vortices before (I'm talking all film here, no digital).  It's easy to do with a hair or tiny fiber on the lens.  The coolest vortex picture I've ever seen was of a little baby boy taking his first steps and two vortices swirling out towards him and under his arms, like they were helping him along.  In 2001 I went to New Jersey and New York City a few weeks after Sept. 11 and helped the Red Cross sort donations.  We went down to Ground Zero and a few friends snapped pics.  When we got back, my friend said some of her pics were ruined and I asked if I could have them.  One had a vortex passing through another friend and the second pic was a shot looking down a street where the towers were missing and there were two vortices shooting up towards the sky.  Creepy!!

    • Gold Top Dog

    *** raises hand *** I'm a believer. Looks just like a pupper peeking over the guys shoulder.  He doesn't look demonic to me, though.  Just a nice little dog "spirit."


    • Gold Top Dog

    I love it!  Especially considering my husband had a serious drug problem I didn't know about until about a week after we got home from our honeymoon.  I am going to have to go take an extra careful look at our wedding pics now...what I find even more interesting is that my husband left town today...while I was watching that story, Izzy started sort of freaking out with her nose under the front door like like there is someone outside and she knows we are here alone and she should be on "extra" watch tonight even though there is no one out there.....that or the demon dog was summoning her.....

    • Gold Top Dog

    People worry me. Demons, spirits.... in a picture to boot. Pleeeeze ! When I hear noise above my head I don't think "the poltergeist is back" but "gosh, we need to put some rat poison in the attic" !

    • Gold Top Dog

    I won't say it's real or not real, but if it helped that guy through his rehab, it's a good thing.  I won't discount the validity of the photograph, not after having some of the experiences I've had.  All in all though it must have been a slow news day. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Bah, I seriously doubt that if demons did exist in such a way as to show up in photographs that they would look like that. That looks more like a candidate for the muppets than an evil being to me.

    Here's another spin on it: let's say it was real. Who says it has to be a demon? What about his guardian angel dog, that kept him alive despite his addiction and set him on the road to recovery?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, I'm not sure if any of us can really say with certainty whether or not it is a demon, or if demons would show up in a photo, etc.  However, from what I have heard about angels or "positive" type spirits is that they do not cause people to have the sort of reaction that this guy had to what he saw (plus, if this is what the good ones are supposed to look like I'd hate to see the bad ones).

    I agree with Ed though.  If this guy was helped off drugs by his belief that the thing on his shoulder was a demon then that's what it was as far as I'm concerned.

    • Gold Top Dog

     well being the lover of dogs that i am... and an absolutely freak when it comes to the legendary Black Dog... THAT thing gave me chills!! i know all about black dogs, demon dogs, hounds from hell, etc and so on... i've drawn a few of them for fun, looked at other artistic renditions of them... but none of them gave me chills like that. not even when the artists made them look as vicious and evil as possible.... nope. i was sitting here expecting to see more of the usual... maybe a blurry semi-visible form of a dog's body.. but that sucker doesnt look anything to me like a guardian of anything but pure evil.

    And if you know the legends of black dogs you'll see where the "eyes as big saucers" comes from.. because the eyes of that thing are huge and penetrating, its also obviously a black and tan dog.  and its mouth looks like its gaping open.. like a hound on the hunt - ever read about the "Wild hunt of the Ghost Hounds?" or the Horned King? about a legendary pack of hounds and their master, or a group of hunters lead by a horned king with a bugle.. different legends say they hunt a white stag or lost souls, or that the stag represents lost souls. 

    anyway There are a ton of stories to entertain yourself with you have a mind to... this one honestly creeps me out lol like i said.. i was expecting to see something lame or innocent looking like a smudge or lens flair in the shape of a dog.. not something as creepy as that... real or not.. it got my goat!

    • Gold Top Dog

    My guess is maybe somesort of corgi mix.  I think it looks cute.

    • Gold Top Dog

    ooooh that's creepy!!  I am usually very very skeptical over paranormal stuff, but I have a guilty pleasure watching sylvia brown lol on Montel.  I don't usually get to watch it, because it's on wednesdays, but whenever I do, ooooh

    That is very weird though, i do not know about photography but that's scary looking!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm glad to get such a variety of responses! Thank you!

    I agree if it helped the guy, it's a Good Thing, whether it's a "demon dog" or not or even if it's just a smudge.  I'm a huge believer in the paranormal because of experiences I've had through my life. I expected a "blur" too, but couldn't call that a blur.

    I belong to a board that has a paranormal section and I usually blow them off, but this one I posted here because it creeped me out...


    • Gold Top Dog


    Well, I'm not sure if any of us can really say with certainty whether or not it is a demon, or if demons would show up in a photo, etc.  However, from what I have heard about angels or "positive" type spirits is that they do not cause people to have the sort of reaction that this guy had to what he saw (plus, if this is what the good ones are supposed to look like I'd hate to see the bad ones).

    I agree with Ed though.  If this guy was helped off drugs by his belief that the thing on his shoulder was a demon then that's what it was as far as I'm concerned.

    What kind of dog is it??? I vote for "herding dog of the year" because it certainly herded that fellow to a better life.

    Good or evil? I guess it depends on your perspective.  A sheep being herded would think a herding dog was evil, but the shepherd believes the herding dog is good because it is doing his work to protect and guide the flock.

    The end result was certainly good for the guy---and any others he helps by sharing his story.