Posted : 7/18/2014 9:06:45 PM
Trying to catch up on the news. Tina, hope Missy kitty is feeling better after her teeth cleaning and pulling. I can relate, as just recently had a molar pulled. Going back in next week to see about an implant.
julie so sorry about the loss of your Uncle and Grandpa. So nice you were able to speak at your Grandpas service.
Been crazy storms going through everywhere it seems. Had quite a bit of damage through one area of a nearby town. The Drive In Theatre, near that area, was pretty much destroyed and people are waiting and hoping they are going to rebuild. Fortunately no one in this area was injured, as there was in another area of NY State. Four people died which included a young mother, her baby and her aunt. A man and his dog, who were neighbors to the other 3, were also killed. So sad. Storms can certainly be scary things.
Tina enjoy your meandering trip. Sounds like fun.
I know I'm missing some of the news posted but all I have time for at the moment. Oh Callie stand your ground when the time comes and make sure you get up north to see your Dad.