Posted : 2/5/2014 1:07:15 PM
We've got very cold temps here (it was 26 when I left the house --- I know that's balmy for you folks used to single digits!). But it's very, very sunny, so that is A-OK with me!
Usually we're dealing with what you describe, Jonathan --- weeks of continuous rain in the winter. This year is record-breaking with lack of rainfall, to the point that it will create problems with water supply in the summer (which is always super dry). But I must admit, I'm very glad we've NOT had the endless rain this winter. It does more than just drive me bonkers!
Julie, I hope things get worked out with your boss' replacement soon. What were they thinking not getting someone hired before he left -- with a year's notice??
Don't you hate when you have your work day all planned out -- with tasks outlined, scheduled for certain points of the day, all with the goal of finishing things in the proper time, in an organized fashion --- but then someone throws a wrench into it with a change in THEIR plan that also affects yours? Well that just happened this morning, so I will now have a very chaotic day, trying to juggle a few different hats, yet still having to reach the deadlines I already had. Ugh. Good thing I have a stash of Snickers bars in my drawer. I will be raiding that more than once today, I think!!!