Monday Chat

    • Gold Top Dog

    Monday Chat

    My weekend was seriously messed up by a stomach virus.  Spent most of it on the couch.  Gabby is a very good cuddler and was happy to keep me company.  DH spent most of the weekend trying to get me to eat.  Um, no thanks.  He means well. lol

    • Gold Top Dog
    That sucks Jackie :(

    Last day of vacation for me. I plan to do laundry, depoop the back yard and meet a friend later. I have to check in with my dog Sitter too. There's something going on with her baby that required a Mri and possible surgery. I am hoping everything will be ok. All this went on last week while I was gone and the texts I got from hercame all out of order and didn't make sense (due to being in and out of cell range).

    Btw, I bought one of those mosquito repelling shirts and it really worked! Highly recommend it for those in mosquito infested land (karen)
    • Gold Top Dog

    Jackie, I think my DS had that same virus. I hope you are feeling better.

    Good thoughts for your dog sitter's baby, Julie.

    The weekend was busy and this week promises to be the same.

    I bought some bananas yesterday and when I went to grab one this morning, I discovered that 3 of the 4 are mushy about midway down to the bottom. The peels are mostly green, but it's like the fruit is rotting inside. Angry I guess I'm going to have to start feeling the bananas before I buy them instead of just picking them based on the color of the rind.


    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

     Jackie I hope you are feeling better today


    Tina I find that sometimes when they ship bananas frozen that is what happens. I prefer my bananas slightly green so I do always check firmness.

    Julie best thoughts for your dog sitter's baby. It always breaks my heart when I hear about people having little ones sick. Crying

    I have an Ex-Officio bandana that is bug repelling, which I love. I 100% believe it works. Not sure which brand you have but I didn't read it until after I had washed it that you aren't supposed to wash it with other clothing.

    It didn't rain yesterday Big Smile And its only a small chance of rain today Big Smile Its fairly cool this morning and I took B on a longer walk than usual. Now he's sacked out and should let me get some work done.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Ugh Jackie - I'm sorry you were sick and especially that it ruined your weekend.

    I got up just in time to see DH off to work. I think I could've slept a bit longer though.

    It's in the high 50s this morning - brrrrrr. That means I should put a sweatshirt on and do some more yard cleanup before it warms up. Maybe after I drink another cup of coffee.

    The previous owner left behind a bunch of metal yard art pieces. It's been like an Easter egg hunt finding them and I'm sure I haven't found them all yet. Some were not my taste, so I've tossed those but there were several that I really like. One is a huge butterfly and my favorite, so far. They all need to be sanded down and repainted but I love doing that kind of stuff.

    ETA - Julie - Good thoughts for your dog sitter's baby

    • Gold Top Dog
    I hope you are feeling better today, Jackie

    Julie, good vibes for the little one.

    Karen, we are taking your rain for today. :D

    Had a wonderful but too short visit with Mum. Little Man adores her and she even let us go out for a date last night! We saw The Wolverine which was nice, mindless, eye-candy fun.

    I submitted my resume and Mum-approved cover letter for the new position I want on Friday and it turns out that I know the person who is rifling through all the applications. She sent me a form reply "Thank you for submitting your application...." email but tagged on the end that it was nice to see a familiar face.

    I think that is a good sign.

    Back to reality today.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Karen I read the tags on washing so knew to wash it by itself. The trouble is that it has some doggy paw stains on it courtesy of neiko that i can't figure out how to get out. Don't want to use some stain remover that removes the active ingredient too!
    • Gold Top Dog

    Feel better Jackie -- that would be on my top 5 list of worst weekends ugh (even at my age and via phone, my 89 year old mother is still trying to push Cream of Wheat on me when that happens. I hate cereal, and that chief among them -- No, Mom -- not then .. not ANY time!)

    Cathy -- happy sanding??? *smile*

    Julie -- like everyone said .. the word "child" + any of those tests is NOT good. Good thots and prayers.

    Sarah -- good luck. "personalized" form replies are ALWAYS good.

    Karen - yeah -- rain, rain go away! Charlie is leading that parade, of course!

    Tina -- my condolences ... "banana" is never a favorite with me but add 'mushy'?? not the way to start the day. I'm really not being sarcastic -- bananas are never on my list of voluntary fruit choices. Blame my mother .... *sigh*
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    • Gold Top Dog

     Sarah thank you for taking my rain!! (and definitely a good sign)

    So these yahoos that I am doing a training demonstration for on Wednesday sent me one proscribed training and then I need to transition into something of my choosing. I have the latter down as I had to have it prepped to send on Friday. Today I am focusing on the proscribed training.

    Its about a 30 minute training that they tell you needs to be done in 15 minutes............well actually less because the other training is to be 15 minutes and you get a total of 30. HOWEVER, you are to transition from one to the other which apparently has been accorded no time.

    hmmm OK. 

    oh and the proscribed training is poorly written and double crosses itself. Going to be so proud to recite that error. Not.

    Oh well - back to working on my speed delivery

    • Gold Top Dog

    Jackie:  I hope you feel better.

    I ran around like a freakin idiot all weekend, but thanks to a good friend and with a little help from Kate, I was rewarded with peach melba on pound cake for dinner last night.


    And, it went really well with my Vodka and peach iced tea to boot !!


    Deb W.


    • Gold Top Dog

    Thanks everyone.  I do feel much better today.  Just in time to come back to work.  lol

    Deb, I could seriously eat three servings of that!!!  That looks so good I could dive into the monitor.  I'm so glad you feel good enough to run around like a freakin idiot. :)

    Julie, good vibes for your dog sitter's baby. 


    • Gold Top Dog

     Jackie - glad to hear your feeling better!

    Does anyone know any natural/homeopathic remedies for allergies?  I'm beyond suffering lately and can't tolerate most allergy meds (benedryl is fine, but makes me tired and I have a hard time focusing). 

    I wish I could rip out all the carpeting in the house, as I'm sure that's not helping (despite regular vacuuming and using special vacuum bags).

    • Gold Top Dog
    Sharon - what allergy meds have you tried and had problems with? Have you thought about having allergy testing done and going through the desensitization shots? It might be worth it. I've been taking one of the generic versions of Claritin and it helps a lot but I was just reading something the other day that said for ear and/or nose congestion, you need the Claritin D. That explains why my ear still bothers me sometimes.

    I am so sick of pulling crabgrass out of the flowerbeds out front :(. I got as much out as I could but knew I'd left a ton of roots behind, so I sprayed it with Roundup. I felt very brave working in some areas. I figure if I haven't found a snake with all the messing around in the bushes and such yet, then we don't have much to worry about.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Sharon -- YES, I can tell you all sorts of stuff to try. Email me at and I'll help you. Is it atopic (inhaled) allergies or foods? (yeah, for people too - I'm getting to be the Queen of stupid food allergies -- none lethal, all inconvenient as heck). Don't just blame carpets -- it can be wallpaper and a zillion other things in the air. The big deal with homeopathics - they work awesomely with no side effects - but they don't "last long" in the body -- you have to take them every few hours (which is just a tablet under the tongue). Homeopathics work with your body clock -- not with any sort of 'time-release' mechanism -- so people used to taking drugs get uncomfortable having to take something every 3-4 hours. But homeopathy tries to make more permanent changes rather than temporary change. So you generally have to take a course of treatment. If you email me I can point you in the right direction and steer you towards what is safe. If would be really good if you could find a homeopath to help you. I'm going to mine after work - if you can email me your zip code I'll ask mine to see if he knows anyone near you.
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    • Gold Top Dog

     Sharon, for me Benadryl is the gold standard but it puts me into a coma. So when I am really suffering I take a half tablet or a whole one at night. So although the first hour or so I am awake its all a bit fuzzy, my histamine level is down which helps me to not have asthma troubles.

    I also have had some good success with Singulair tablets ( I use the generic) it works very differently than anti-histamines - I believe it works on leukotrienes or something like that

    Brave woman Cathy :) I could send DH to spray the Round-up. I could then guarantee no crabgrass or anything else remaining alive hehehehe

    If Bugsy were human he would be 3, and be that kid that says, "what's that" and "why" endlessly