Web design friends - link color question

    • Gold Top Dog

    Web design friends - link color question

    I'm working on re-designing a website for a friend. I have no formal training in web design, I've just figured it out from playing around with Fireworks and Dreamweaver. Anyway, is there a way to make text links on the same page different colors? I have some links that will be on a dark background (nav bar) and some that will be on a light background (throughout copy.)

    The only place I can find to specify link color is Modify > Page Properties > Links. I set that as white, but now my links on the light background are hardly visible. I tried to select the links I want dark and change the color, but it doesn't work.


    • Gold Top Dog

     You can do this by specifying different color schemes for each div if you're using CSS. Explaining is too complicated adn I suck at teaching CSS because I'm not very good at it, but googling that should get you a start at the explanation you need. :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I was hoping it wasn't going to be that complicated. Geeked

    Off to Google... If I don't come back for a few hours, send Rupert out to find me.


    • Gold Top Dog

    omg I think I did it!*toot toot*s my own horn. Stick out tongue

    Web design so time consuming! Snail In print, you just set up simple "style sheets" that define all aspects of the text styles, highlight the text you want changed and click the name of the style sheet and it's applied.

    • Gold Top Dog

     CSS = Cascading Style Sheets. :P Sensible people do webdesign that way, too. Fireworks and Dreamweaver just suck at CSSsssssses.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yeah I do it with CSS.  Specifying colors with HTML is no longer "kosher", I think.  A lot of stuff will work, but not pass validation so it depends on whether you just want it to work or to be correct.

    I use various versions of Dreamweaver but often I'm only using it for the built-in FTP client and doing most of the work in code view.  It does not always render CSS correctly.  I've found that Sea Monkey (free from Mozilla) actually renders CSS more accurately than Dreamweaver.  It still passes validation and looks fine once uploaded and viewed via web browsers but having stuff floating all over the place for no apparent reason within the program gets annoying.

    CSS works just like you are describing.  You set up your styles (css file) then when you start a new htm file you point it to the css files you want to use.  Then you can highlight text or objects or anything and apply your styles.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yeah I do it with CSS. 

    Me, too. I just open a plan old notepad file and go from there with the html. There are a couple of good "get started" html books if you want to learn from that perspective. I've tried Dreamweaver and a couple others and don't like any of those. I haven't tried Sea Monkey; I might have to give it a shot (though I don't like Mozilla/Firefox, so we'll see...).

    To follow with Liesje point about validation--I try to check all my pages. You can use W3C's markup validation checker at:


     (There's a ton of good info at that site, too, but it can become overwhelming quickly!) I'm sure there are other checkers, too.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Yep that's the one I use.  Another slam on Dreamweaver since it's supposed to code to the standards but does not.  I don't really care for my personal stuff but for commercial sites for clients I want it to pass validation, both CSS and HTML.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, I thought I had it. It looks perfect in Dreamweaver, but when I upload it, some images are all weird and missing, and most of the text is MIA also. *sigh*

    Maybe the problem is that I had the file open, then created the CSS file. Hmmm. I am spending way too much time on this.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Do you have the files uploaded somewhere where we can see them?

    • Gold Top Dog

    In web page:

    Menu Item

    Normal link


    In CSS file:

    a.menulink, a:visited.menulink{
    font-style:sans serif;

    a:hover.menulink {
    font-style:sans serif;

    a:active.menulink {
    font-style:sans serif;

    a.normallink, a:visited.normallink {
    font-style:sans serif;

    a:hover.normallink {
    font-style:sans serif;

    a:active.normallink {
    font-style:sans serif;

    • Gold Top Dog

    I haven't had time to work on it, but here's the file:


    It's probably a complete mess. Embarrassed

    • Gold Top Dog

     The layout is pleasing, but there are no links anywhere....

    • Gold Top Dog

    Here are some screenshots. The links are in the nav bar (it's supposed to underline on rollover), and the email address at the bottom.




    • Gold Top Dog

     Interesting... have you uploaded the file with text from dreamweaver to the internet site?  I don't know why the text would not show up unless it's using some code to pull from a database.