What does your dog do?

    • Gold Top Dog

    What does your dog do?

    What does your dog do, great or small?

    Recently, we've learned that Shadow sings opera. There are commercials on t.v. for JG Wentworth, lawyers that specialize in getting settlements for their clients or cashing in other settlements that are amortized. Anyway, the actors are moving about in the commercial and singing opera. Shadow will howl along, in various pitch and intensity.

    He also has a "thing" for the lady on the Progressive Insurance commercials who rings up people in a insurance box store setting. For her, he whines.

    • Gold Top Dog

    ...He also has a "thing" for the lady on the Progressive Insurance commercials who rings up people in a insurance box store setting. For her, he whines.

    I bet it's her high pitched, annoying voice, Ron.

     TV wise, Caleb gets the most unbelievable look on his face when I'm watching "It's Me or The Dog", especially when the dog is pooping in the house or jumping on the counters and table.  His eyes get huge, and he looks from the TV to me and back again like he can't believe what he's seeing.  He also watches the dog shows, but with interest.  And bullriding.  He was so funny when I was watching a bucking bull auction- they were showing tapes of the young bulls bucking with dummies on them.  The dummy is just a weighted box strapped on and set to release after a certain time.  Well, the first time the box hit the ground, Caleb kept looking at the tv with a concerned look on his face and started whining a little.  Then it dawned on me- he's used to either seeing the cowboys get up and leave the arena, or the sports medicince team coming in to help them. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    T-Bone and I don't watch TV, but man does he love the radio. He puts his ears down and huffs and puffs when I listen to hard rock. Not his favorite, and if we're in the car together, forget it. For some reason, he adores Toby Keith! Any song, he'll lean against me, close his eyes, get a big doggy grin, and pant. He always looks surprised when the song is over and a little sad, lol

    • Gold Top Dog

    too cute.

    My cat was fascinated by the olympics - she was particularly fond of the luge and speed skating.

    Casey and Benny aren't interested - although, I haven't played any doggy videos for Benny yet - Casey could care less Huh?

    • Gold Top Dog

     Sally doesn't care at all about the TV.

    Jack will alert at puppies whining on the TV.  He is very bothering by a certain sound effect Fox News uses when they are switching through stories and will bark at it sometimes....

    • Gold Top Dog

    Kya will bark at her reflection in the TV monitor.  Which is funny.

    River will see something moving and look to the outside of the screen for it to continue. 

    Chloe could are less, lol.

    • Gold Top Dog

    ...For some reason, he adores Toby Keith!...

    T-Bone, my man, you've got good taste! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    t. For some reason, he adores Toby Keith! Any song, he'll lean against me, close his eyes, get a big doggy grin, and pant. He always looks surprised when the song is over and a little sad, lol

    The same effect happens to me, personally. Especially the patriot song. For Christmas, DW got me the movie, "Beer for my Horses." With all my favorite people, of course. Rodney Carrington, Toby Keith, Ted Nugent, Tom Skerritt, Willie Nelson, Barry Corbin (the guy who played the retired astronaut on "Northern Exposure.";)


    • Gold Top Dog

    My GPS "dings" before it alerts for upcoming turns or whatever.  Willow thinks it is some sort of doorbell and starts barking and growling as we are rolling down the road.  It's pretty funny.  And, for awhile there she was huffing and puffing just at the voice until she got used to it. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Coke barks and runs to the front door when he hears a doorbell on TV.  Funny, since our doorbell has never worked....

    Kenya gets very concerned when she hears neonatal kittens or puppies (or even lion and cheetah cubs on Big Cat Diary).  She puts her face right up to the TV and cocks her head side to side.

    If Nikon hears any other neighborhood dog outside barking, he whines to go out and either bark back or bark at whatever rodent the other dog is barking at.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Especially the patriot song

    LOL that's one of his favorites! He seems to enjoy that song, uh, Ain't as Good as I once Was (something lto that effect) more than any other. He'll actually slobber and just bask in his own glory, LOL! I always think how funny, a dog who is 8 months old "ain't as good as he once was".

    • Gold Top Dog

     Kirby is a professional leg licker.  If ever there is a leg in need of a bath he will find it.  He will lick all other parts too, but being of short stature the legs get hit most.  He also has an obsession of knowing what you have eaten when gone.  First thing he does when I come home is strain to try and give my mouth a thorough sniffing.  He is convinced the only reason I leave the house is to eat yummy food without him. Hmm

    • Silver

    If the TV is on, there's a pretty good chance it's either Animal Planet or HGTV.

    Minella, in all of his 6 pound glory, will growl and bark at bears onTV. No animal other than bears. It's crazy. Hank runs around the house looking for howling wolves on TV. Minella will also run to this antique glass-front cabinet and look at his reflection, or the reflection of what is behind him. Chico desn't do much other than 'smile'. if he's comfortable in the chair, his lip comes up just enough to expose some of his teeth. Looks like he's smiling.

    • Silver

     Lexi loves t.v. Her favorite shows include anything with animals and animation. She'll sit and watch the t.v for hours, and has even turned down going to bed with me to stay up and watch the rest of a movie with my roommate. You can ask her "what's on t.v?", she'll run up to our TV and sit in front of it. All our other dogs don't even seem to notice it.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Misha has a definite taste in music. He loves the Beatles and Ryan Adams. He'll lay down and go to sleep. I think it's country that he can't stand, he'll fidget, hop around, and be generally obnoxious.

    When he hears wolves howling (from the computer) he cocks his head to one side than the other? And "huffs" at them. He might howl now, but at the time he didn't even really bark, so we got quiet barks and huffs.

    Misha won't alert the front door if you park in our driveway. You can walk up to the door, ring the doorbell, knock on the door, nothing. But if you park in the cul-de-sac, he'll jump up and look out the front window.

    Misha doesn't really react to any TV show I watch, and he's never reacted to his reflection. But I think he reacts to the movies ALOK watches.