Cropping and Docking

    • Gold Top Dog

    Cropping and Docking


    From the article...

    "The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) and the American Veterinary Medical Association state that there is no medical benefit to either cropping or docking, and that the procedures "cause pain and distress" to the patient. They suggest that veterinarians educate owners that cosmetic appearance is the only reason behind cropping or docking a dog."

    Some policy statements...

    AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association)

    AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association)
    ;postKey=409665b4-0d4e-4b71-b8e8-019fcffa1b4d' target='_blank' title=';postKey=409665b4-0d4e-4b71-b8e8-019fcffa1b4d'>;postKey=409665b4-0d4e-4b71-b8e8-019fcffa1b4d
    • Gold Top Dog
    Do you have a question or opinion on the subject or is this thread only for sharing the information?
    • Gold Top Dog
    Umm, two things, one is most people are aware that cropping is usually the owners choice, not the breeders. Docking is the breeders choice as it is done at so young an age so as to cause the least amount of pain. The other is, no cosmetic apperance is not the only reason. Yes, for most crops and docks that's the reason, but some of the time, say like the dog has an accident that involves its tail, docking it may be the only option unless you want to risk the dogs life with possible infection.
    You may know my second point, but from what you posted, it sounds unlikely.
    I myself hate cropping and I will never crop my dogs ears just because that's what a lot of people with that breed do. I prefer the natural look, like Dobies with floppy ears. I'd prefer natural tails, but I have no control over that since it's done so young. Now, if my dog got attacked by another dog and its ear was shreaded beyond saving or there was some medical reason for it, I wouldn't say no.
    But there are a lot of people who prefer dogs fully cropped and docked and I don't think your post will sway them.
    • Gold Top Dog
    Docking was outlawed in this country a couple of years ago (cropping has been outlawed for longer than I've been alive). I've noticed that a lot of the dogs that normally get docked have really long tails, and are breeds that tend to wag them around quite a lot (dobes, weims, pointers, boxers). I think the propensity for injury is probably true to a degree, but my suspicion is that it was used as an excuse to justify it. I can totally see how people would get fed up with those long, ever-wagging tails and just want them off. It's not a suitable excuse nowadays, but I'm not kidding when I say these tails can drive you mad. Jill has a long boxer tail, and the smaller dogs wince everytime she stands in front of them because they cop it in the face. I'm really glad docking has become illegal here, but I certainly appreciate now why it might have become common practice in the first place.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I'm confused. I thought it was well-known that cropping and docking are (most times) done for cosmetic reasons only...

    I would never crop or dock a dog of mine but I think people have painful cosmetic surgery on themselves and if it's important to them for their dogs to have it, it should be up to them. It's kind of like the cat declaw debate. To each his own, I say.
    • Gold Top Dog
    most breeders dock at like 3 days and crop at around 8 weeks. The ears are usually fully healed before they go home. Breeders will automatically do this, unless there is a special request not to.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I truely think to be a good breeder you should let the new onwer decide if they want to crop their dogs ears. Like I said, I don't like docking either, but that's done way before you even know which puppies you can choose from. And I know the reason behind it is because that's the breed standard for the breeds with cropped tails and if you get a show quality, say Australian Shepherd, that has a tail you can't show it because of the tail. That doesn't meant I won't get another Aussie or a Doberman or even a Rottweiler, but I don't have to like it.
    As for it being well known why dogs are cropped and docked, to people who don't know dogs or don't know much about the breeds who are cropped and docked or just docked, they don't know it's just for cosmetic reasons. They think that's just how that breed is naturally. My ex wouldn't have known my Aussie's tail was docked if I hadn't told him.
    • Gold Top Dog
    to people who don't know dogs or don't know much about the breeds who are cropped and docked or just docked, they don't know it's just for cosmetic reasons

    I've heard people say that they thought dobe's ears were just like that...
    i've also had people ask me if i had Kaiser's ears cropped [&:]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have had people ask me why I would crop a GSD's ears, that is when I say [sm=huh.gif]
    • Gold Top Dog
    most people are aware that cropping is usually the owners choice, not the breeders.

    In my current breed of oogling, the ears are done at 7-9 weeks, before they leave the breeder. A lot of the better breeders do NOT give a choice, because they want thier dogs to have a uniform, breed standard look.
    • Gold Top Dog
    In my current breed of oogling

    WHAT is an oogling?  Maybe I have been up too late...[;)]
    • Gold Top Dog
    I think she ment googling.
    I'm sorry, but I don't think the breeder should decide for the new onwer if the puppies ears are done or not. No matter why they're doing it. The only way I will get a Doberman with cropped ears is if I adopt my next one(which I'm looking at doing) and the one I end up liking has cropped ears.
    As for German Shepherds, see, some people are clueless and think every dog with upright ears had their ears cropped or they think that's just how the dog is born, like RidgebackGermansShep said. I'm surpised people haven't commented on Rio's ears because his are floppy most of the time. He'll get them up when he's really interested in something, but most of the time it's just the left one and the right is floppy, he looks so funny. But even with the floppy ears people still think he's a purebred German Shepherd.
    • Gold Top Dog
    ORIGINAL: RidgebackGermansShep

    most breeders dock at like 3 days and crop at around 8 weeks. The ears are usually fully healed before they go home. Breeders will automatically do this, unless there is a special request not to.

    Ridiculous thing to do, in my opinion.
    • Gold Top Dog
    I am going to throw my two cents out there, mainly because I am tired of other people trying to dictate to responsible pet owners what they can and can't do with their pet.

    If docking and cropping is done by a good vet, with all the required medical care needed - then the choice to dock and crop is up to the owner of said dog.

    If you want a dog that is normally a cropped/docked breed, and the breeder you want to get your dog from does so - but you don't want it docked/cropped - talk to the breeder and arrange to have your chosen puppy not done. Not all breeders will agree to this. Fine, move on and find one that will work with you.

    That being said, yes I have a docked/cropped breed. Yes I will dock tails - done by the vet at the right time with the required care for the dog. If the dog has correct upright ears, I may not crop. But since I show, the ears will be cropped by a responsible vet with all that I can do to make the healing process as painless and easy as possible. That is my choice as a pet owner - a responsible pet owner I might add. I will not stand by and let someone take away my right of choice because someone else doesn't like it.

    The choice should be up to the owner. Nuff said.

    • Gold Top Dog

    WHAT is an oogling? Maybe I have been up too late...

    Oogling. As in I oogle them[:D] I love them, and spend time with them, and research them, and talk to breeders, but can't have one for at least a few years.