Posted : 1/19/2015 1:47:20 PM
It's been several days since I've had time to check in. I hope everyone is doing okay, especially with whatever weather stresses are in your particular area. We had some torrential rain on Saturday (broke some records), but for the most part, the past week has been pretty decent -- temps in 40's and 50's. We've seen several clumps of daffodils peeking out of the dirt in various gardens as we walk Ruby. One good thing about this climate = early spring.
Jackie, I was so sorry to hear about your brother's passing. You have had to deal with far too much tough stuff lately. I keep sending you buckets of strong vibes. I hope Charles' first treatment goes well. He's got lots of vibes coming his way, too!
Doug, I had to laugh at the dishwasher story, too. I can just picture it. Ruby likes to try to lick the things in the dishwasher when we have the racks pulled out to load it. We tell her we don't need a pre-rinse cycle!
Maureen, I hope your hives clear up soon. Do you know what caused them? I got a bad case of them years ago after eating ham. Not sure if that's really what caused them, but since then, I avoid ham if possible. My Mom got a bad case of them after having a massage with lavender-infused oil at a spa. She had to take prednisone for a week, too. She said it gave her loads of energy, so she did lots of housework! :-)
My friend arrived on 1/8 for my birthday week. We had a very busy schedule, but it's been fun. She was due to leave last Saturday, but there were major snafus with her plane and missed connections, etc. -- she ended up rescheduling her departure for tomorrow. Why does airline travel have to be so stressful?!