Posted : 10/30/2013 3:30:46 PM
Hi all. Finally made it was a very long weekend getting moved and the house is still rather a mess, but at least organized chaos now instead of just looking like a bomb had gone off!
And, I just discovered today that for 3 years I've lived in a house that is not legally occupiable (sp and my spell check is stumped!) I went back out to meet the guy who is doing the certification for the septic tank, and oh gee, it failed, and failed badly because it is not properly functioning and all the pipes to the leach field are clogged. Nice to know that our "stuff" is sitting in pipes in the backyard and I truly don't envy whoever has to dig that mess up! At least now I know it's not normal to get the occasional wiff of "sewer gas" with a septic tank!
I was feeling a little bad because with us moving out, and no way to cover the mortgage, they just dropped the price 40 GRAND. Now I find out that they couldn't have even gotten an occupancy permit for it, not so much. The thing is, MA is horrid for inspections and certifications, etc so how the heck they bought the house in 2007 without a septic inspection and without a building inspection is anyone's guess. I thought that banks required such things to loan money for a home.
Oh well, live and learn I guess!