Your Dream Breed

    • Gold Top Dog


    I noticed this was a older thread but couldnt resist looking at it for everyone's dream breed.  I find it very interesting that so many dream breeds are now IDog family members.   I cant believe so many of you got your Dream breed since 2008. Big Smile

    Me, too.  I had to double check the date when Gina posted a Leo.  LOL 

    Those of you that said Siberian Husky- do you know what you'd be getting into?  I love them, but they aren't exactly an easy breed.

    My pick?  Well, since I can't pick Labs, Siberians, or Norwegian Elkhounds (I've have them all), my pick is a Poweder Puff Chinese Crested.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I love this question, because it's fun to daydream :)

    At this point I am not sure I have any further 'dream breeds' at the moment. I am very content with my girls.  Although I am not sure if I will have a bichon once these 2 girls are gone, at least not until I "try out" some other breeds.  And having Echo, she is a very fun and smart PWD, what more could I want :)


    • Gold Top Dog

    Daydreaming is fun, even if it's waaay for off in the future, lol.


    Seeing as I have my GSD and a mix of GSD/Rottie, I'd add a nice Fawn (adult with full coat) female Dobe, cropped ears and natural tail. Hey, this is "dreaming" !

    • Gold Top Dog
    Now that I own my Bloodhound (previous dream breed) I think that some day when I have NO other dogs (right now I have 5) I would like to spoil the heck out of one dog. Here are the breeds I'm envisioning I might choose but need to research thoroughly first: Chinese Crested (bald, not powder puff) Maltese and have it groomed constantly, ha! Yorkshire terrier, also groomed with bows in its hair Basically a very "foo-foo" dog that I could totally have groomed beautifully at all times. A "purse" dog. It sure is nice, though, to be able to lounge along-side or on-top-of my big ol' bloodhound. There's just something about a big ol' warm dog to snuggle and romp with.
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    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd add a nice Fawn (adult with full coat) female Dobe, cropped ears and natural tail. Hey, this is "dreaming" !

    I gotta know - why would you want a natural tail on a cropped Dobe? 
    • Gold Top Dog
    I have seen several docked dogs who seem to have an issue with their docked tails. Yipping and turning around to lick it, raw at the end and chewing it. I have seen one dobe cropped and natural and it was stunning. I hope that these dock jobd were just done poorly because it seems a number of them have the issue including the corgi I had.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I have seen several docked dogs who seem to have an issue with their docked tails. Yipping and turning around to lick it, raw at the end and chewing it. I have seen one dobe cropped and natural and it was stunning. I hope that these dock jobd were just done poorly because it seems a number of them have the issue including the corgi I had.

     Must be a bad dock.  I can't count the docked dogs I've been around- Rotts, Dobes, Corgis, GSPs, Brittanies, terrriers, Weims, spaniels, well, you get the idea.  I haven't seen on yet with any issues.


    • Gold Top Dog


    I have seen several docked dogs who seem to have an issue with their docked tails. Yipping and turning around to lick it, raw at the end and chewing it. I have seen one dobe cropped and natural and it was stunning. I hope that these dock jobd were just done poorly because it seems a number of them have the issue including the corgi I had.

     Must be a bad dock.  I can't count the docked dogs I've been around- Rotts, Dobes, Corgis, GSPs, Brittanies, terrriers, Weims, spaniels, well, you get the idea.  I haven't seen on yet with any issues.

    I own 2 docked dogs, grew up with a few docked ESS, and take care of several docked dogs (weims, boxers, etc.), I've also been around plenty of docked dogs (for DockDogs and training) and none of them have any issues with having a docked tail either.

    IMO, sounds like maybe the dock job was bad or the dogs had another issue going on (allergies, fleas, itching) ..?

    • Gold Top Dog
    I have seen several docked dogs who seem to have an issue with their docked tails. Yipping and turning around to lick it, raw at the end and chewing it. I have seen one dobe cropped and natural and it was stunning. I hope that these dock jobd were just done poorly because it seems a number of them have the issue including the corgi I had.
    What you have likely seen are dogs with tail dock neuromas. It is where the nerves at the tip of he tail try to regenerate, causing proliferative tissue. I have seen dogs with tail dock neuromas who have acted like their tail was tingling and other who are so sensitive that a light touch to their nub would cause the great discomfort. Re-docking the tail or having a vet go in & clean out the nerve bundle is usually curative. [P] Cher had a tail dock neuroma. It was repaired during one of her entropian surgeries. She now has a completely normal tail. [/P]
    • Gold Top Dog

     There are fawn Dobes? And does the full coat mean long hair?

    • Gold Top Dog

    Amanda, aha! That sounds about like what was going on. Sort of like a phantom limb syndrome in the tail. Interesting and good to know it is fixable!


    Sambob, yes there's fawn/rust dobes and they're really quite beautiful. It is an accepted coat color. There's red and rust, black and rust, fawn and rust, and blue and rust. Blue and fawn sometimes have a very thin coat where while the body is covered in fur, you can see the skin. It's pretty common in them. By full I mean a thick, regulare coat as you'd see on a red rust or Black and rust.

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    • Gold Top Dog


     There are fawn Dobes? And does the full coat mean long hair?

    Kim, this is a fawn Dobe:

    Fawns are a dilute of the reds.  Blues are a dilute of the blacks.  Blues and fawns tend to have sparse coats - you can look at the dog above and see his skin through the hazy halo of hair he has on the underside of his neck.  There's even a specific condition called Blue Doberman Alopecia.  Thin/sparse coats are common for these dilutes once they are adults.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've become pretty picky over the past couple of years and I will only own a few breeds:

    I'd love to have a pair of black, one red...both cropped and docked unless they came from a rescue.





    Only short haired dogs from now on!

    • Gold Top Dog


    Only short haired dogs from now on!

    Same here! I'm not into keeping a long coat on my Spaniels and going to the groomer every 6 weeks or so is expensive!

    • Gold Top Dog

     Don't get a Corgi, Steph! JK Toots, mama loves you hair and all.