Your Dream Breed

    • Gold Top Dog

    For my next dog, I'd like to adopt an older Dane that needs a home, or even help with foster.  My aunt had one when I was growing up and I have always been fascinated with them!

    • Gold Top Dog
    I would get a Briard.
    • Silver

     I think that if I had a lot of excess time on my hands I'd get a show Standard Poodle. I must be a glutton for punishment. I'm partial to the silvers, but I'd probably go all out and get a white one. And then of course I'd keep its hair wrapped and banded and snooded up and spend hours brushing and scissoring and blow drying. Every time I see a really *NICE* Standard Poodle at a dog show I think "Oh man. . I really want one" but I think I've got enough dog hair in my Beardie, Polish Lowland and Persian to keep me busy for the time being.


    • Gold Top Dog
    Smooth Ibizan Hound, hands down. Preferably dark red and white, Irish spotted, with light eyes lol! One day I will have a beezer, but for now I'll settle for my pack of little papillons. I'd also like a border collie or an Aussie one day.
    • Gold Top Dog
    *sigh*...only one breed?? I'd have to go with a Swedish Vallhund then.
    • Gold Top Dog

    It's really hard to pick just one! But the first breed that came to mind was the Komondor.

    they are such unique dogs! I would LOVE to have one! 

    • Puppy
    Dgriego what type of dog is that? THe grey one with the pointy ears, Ive been searching all over the internet to figure it out and had to make a profiile on here just to ask you this... thanks
    • Bronze

    Dgriego what type of dog is that? THe grey one with the pointy ears, Ive been searching all over the internet to figure it out and had to make a profiile on here just to ask you this... thanks

    I believe that is a Thai Ridgeback...

    Beautiful creatures, aren't they?

    • Gold Top Dog


    I have one, I wanted this breed for 5 years before I finally found one. She was free on Craig's List and an absolute doll. Don't give up, your dream dog is out there somewhere!
    • Gold Top Dog



    I have one, I wanted this breed for 5 years before I finally found one. She was free on Craig's List and an absolute doll. Don't give up, your dream dog is out there somewhere!

    Smile Someday I'll own one! I just want to be 100% prepared, as I understand this breed can be a LOT of work! I'd love to work with one doing SAR or tracking.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    I noticed this was a older thread but couldnt resist looking at it for everyone's dream breed.  I find it very interesting that so many dream breeds are now IDog family members.   I cant believe so many of you got your Dream breed since 2008. Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog


    I noticed this was a older thread but couldnt resist looking at it for everyone's dream breed.  I find it very interesting that so many dream breeds are now IDog family members.   I cant believe so many of you got your Dream breed since 2008. Big Smile

    Yep interesting eh? Lol. I think I got mine that same year! well one of mine. I still don't have a TM and probably won't til the kids are long out of the house. Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

     I would like to have Siberian Husky and Akita Inu, I am crazy over them!Stick out tongue



    • Bronze

     I fell in love with my cousins little dachshund, then found a mix that was in danger so he became mine instantly! other than that, i don't have a dream breed, I love beagle mixes more than anything, and I already have two of them :) I am and always will be a mutt lover!



    • Gold Top Dog

    I'm not sure.  DH wants a Bernese Mountain Dog next, which I'm fine with if we could move somewhere with a bigger yard. 

    I love Echo so much, that I'd love to have a wavy or curly PWD in the future, also a Tibetan terrier or lowchen, mini poodle (black).... :)