Your Dream Breed

    • Gold Top Dog


     Another has a Cirneco...They're real trouble makers, and love to stir things up with the other dogs and then scurry off to their "safe area" and play innocent! 

    Yea, well, that's what I live with now.  Wink 

    • Moderators
    • Gold Top Dog

     well there is no way I have one favorite or dream breed - another Bugsy? Wink

    I do have a short list but even that changes pretty much at the top is weim, ridgie, or gsp

    But closely following are dane, plott hound, dobie, or cur.

    See another Bugsy will do Big Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have a few "dream breeds." 

    I would love to have a Presa Canario, Fila Brasilero, or Cane Corso.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have my ridgeback, but as far as dogs I've never owned ....

    I like Siberian Huskies lots. Love that woo-woo, the spunkiness, and the fluffy cuteness doesn't hurt. And the Shiba Inu ... FLUFFY and spunky.

     I have know a few fantastic Rottweilers imported from Germany. I'm not sure if they are typical of the average German-bred rottie, but those dogs are definitely on my dream dog list. Big, beautiful, and very sweet.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ok. I changed my mind. I want an Irish Wolfhound. We just got one in at the shelter today..... oh my God. Is he beautiful! He's only 8 months old, and already 100 lbs. I think I'd need a bigger bed. And house.... =]

    • Gold Top Dog

     I would love to have another Sheltie some day... also a Bearded Collie. Oh, and a live-in groomer/cleaner to keep them properly coiffed and to vacuum my floors all nicely.

    It wouldn't have to be someone special, it could just be one of the grooms from my fully manned fantasy stable filled with gorgeous show/sport horses, set on beautifully manicured grounds and impeccably maintained by my loyal (and extensive) staff. Stick out tongue 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Okay, well, I'm getting a Finnish Lapphund and I did select that breed very carefully, and it is a stunning and apple-pie-sweet breed and I can't wait to get one, but I don't know that it's really my dream breed.  

    My mother has strict instructions for the moment when I tell her I want a dingo and that is to slap me and give me a good shake and tell me to get a Basenji or a Canaan Dog instead.

    I think my dream breed at the moment, though, as the breed I secretly watch the puppy lists for even though there's no way I'm getting one, is the Central Asian Ovcharka. That is a whole lot of serious dog.

    There've been some great choices. PBGVs are gorgeous (kinda remind me of Lagottos), and I really like Tibetan Mastiffs, and if Penny weren't so small, we'd probably be getting a Leo rather than a Lappie. I get this feeling I'm going to go through all these breeds everytime and consistently end up with a spitz of some sort. Maybe a Karelian! Devil 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Our trainer has a Karelian. Neat dog.

    There is a good chance I'll end up with a primitive breed some day, when my scaredy feral rescue cats have moved on from this life. They act too much like prey, silly kitties.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Well, I know everyone thinks I'm crazy; but I have my favorite breed--A Westie and hope to always have a Westie.  If I HAD to choose another it would be a Corgi.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I wouldnt mind a Cane Corso. But if I was to get one I want the pup/dog to have it's ears and tail. They look awful with them gone.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Tibetan Mastiff!! (Do-khyi type.. i want a mastiff dog) Love love love them. I'm going to get one in the next year or so, .. after I get my Minivan. I'm looking at breeders.
    • Gold Top Dog

    k.m.a..thats exactly what im talking about!  That last one..ive wanted one for YEARS..i think i saw my first one back in 94 or 95..i fell inlove, and had no idea what it was and researched and researched till i found it!  Although Id love to have one, i really dont think iwant a dog with that much independence..  I found it interesting watching the breed judging for Westminister, that not one of the TM's even slightly watched the handler..they were really off in their own little world, doing what THEY wanted..  beautiful dog, but i dont want a 200 lb cat!

    • Gold Top Dog
    Loool. Their independence and strong-willed temperment is what draws me to them. I love guardian breeds. Google doesn't really provide really good pictures of the Do-khyi type, and I don't know how to copy and paste pictures from websites on macs.. since I'm really Mac-Illiterate.. was happy when i found the last pic, that dog is really striking. this is one of the breeders I'm looking at: Very nice dogs.. look at the puppy page!! too cute. Shipping from hungary to canada must be expensive though.. :P Originally I was looking at Drayki kennels.. ( .. He's the breeder of Barnes the TM who won best of breed in westminster.. but when I emailed him he sent me a "automated" email to reply and when I replied.. he still hasn't emailed me back!
    • Gold Top Dog

    OT..but Drayki does have nice dogs..i looked at them a few years ago.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I have been really wanting a Laekenois since I saw them at UKC shows for the first time. Kind of a cheat reply though, since they are in many cases considered a variety of Belgian Shepherds, which I have.


    I also plan to have a Border Collie someday and maybe a sighthound of some sort. For sighthounds I think my faves are Salukis, Whippets and Silken Windhounds.