Ten good reasons

    • Gold Top Dog

     German Shepherds

    1. Great working structure - can run all day (at least should be able to), medium sized dogs designed for running, agility, scaling walls....anything

    2. Appropriate coat for working - double coated "stock" coat pretty easy to maintain and very hardy for any working conditions, no need to protect the dog from the elements with doggy clothes

    3. Variety within in the breed - Czech, DDR, west German show, American/Canadian show, west German working lines, various differences in coat style, color pattern, structure, and temperament (levels of drive, being sociable, etc)

    5. Velcro dogs obsessed with working in conjunction with their handler - pretty self-explanatory, they live to work AND please

    6. Size - medium to large dogs, generally very lean but well toned, perfect size for me

    7. Unflappable temperament - German style shows include long periods of gaiting, close inspection, very cramped in the ring, guns firing over heard, protection work, etc.  A dog that has any issues as far as weak nerves, any form of aggression, fear of other dogs and people, startling, etc is not a true representative of the breed's sound character

    8. Breeders - For every amazing breeder there are probable a hundred BYBs and puppy mills, but the people I've found who truly have devoted their entire lives (and often multiple generations) to the development of this breed have all left their mark

    9. Longevity - Most GSDs I've known live to be at least 10, more like 12-14.  Kenya's mother obtain nearly a dozen titles all after 9 years of age.  Eagle von Eichenluft is 9.5 years old and is SchHIII 25 times over and was competing in 2007 as far as I know.

    10. Superficial reasons - I love *** ears, black muzzles/faces, dark brown eyes, shorter coats, and tails

    • Gold Top Dog
    This is going to be hard for me, because you pretty much covered it, but.... The 10 best reasons Labradors are the best breed for me: 1. Their always happy :) 2. Very loving 3. They're (or atleast mine is) clumsy and have the cutest puppy faces 4. They (or atleast mine) are very goofy and fun, good at entertaining themselves, and I always look forward to what he will do different that day 5. Puppies for life 6. Get along well with everything and everyone 7. My own personal, no hassle, vacuum :) 8. They're pretty neat (ex: don't drool) 9. They come in many different flavors :) 10. They're fun to play with and always find a way to put a smile on your face :)
    • Bronze


    Why Rottweilers are the "Top Dawg"

    1-Smart in a Donald Trump kind of way

    2-Judges character in a Judge Judy kind of way

    3-Who else better personifies "rugged good looks"

    4-Work hard, play harder.  Though, sometimes "work" is play to them.

    5-Nearly unbreakable mind, body or soul. 

    6-They don't say much, but when they do $#!t happens.

    7-You know that while you are away, your house and belongings are safer than your neighbors house with it's fancy ADT "security".

    8-Have better "hygene" than most other canines do.  The "doggy breath" and wet dog smell are nearly non existant.

    9-Loyalty that puts Sir Lancelot to shame.

    10-They are always the "cool kid" at the dog park.

    • Bronze

    I had to do one for my Jakey boy.  Some is specific to him, others are general observations.

    Why Mutts are the best

    1-"They are like a box of chocolates." Forrest Gump (sort of)

    2-They are always cuter than the sum of their contributers. (for example, a pug and a pekenese may make a really cute pup)

    3-Usually are healthier and live longer than purebreds.

    4-Will do anything you ask if he thinks it will get him a treat or belly rub.

    5-Will do anything you tell him to do.

    6-I like him because I liked Taz from looney toons.

    7-Because he does that super adorable head tilt every time you talk to him.

    8-Because he barks at and chases his own shadow. (I wish I could put video on here)

    9-Uh, did I say s.m.a.r.t. (like when he jumped onto the washer, opened the door and pulled out just his bed cover and rope toy)

    10-Is the best park nanny. Never lets my 2 daughters (2 and 4 years old) more than 10 or 15 feet apart from each other.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ok, I'll play!  Top 10 reasons I think BC's are the best:

    1.)  They are smart.

    2.)  They are good w/ kids.

    3.)  They are athletic.

    4.)  They are hard workers.

    5.)  They are beautiful!

    6.)  They are playful.

    7.)  They are good w/ other animals. (At least mine)

    8.)  They always want to please.

    9.)  They are just the right size.

    10.)  They don't shed much.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Top 10 Reasons Why AKKs are Awesome:

    1.) They will follow you everywhere, but are independent enough to amuse themselves when necessary.

    2.) They secretly are great cuddlers.

    3.) They have that type of intelligence where they will think around you to manipulate the situation to their own preferences.

    4.) AKK have DRIVE...they will go forth and conquer.

    5.) They're simply gorgeous.

    6.) They make training a challenge, as they dislike repetition (so it makes you really creative).

    7.) They're versatile and athletic (AKKs do obedience, agility, rally, conformation, etc.).

    8.) For me, they are the epitome of "big dog in little package".

    9.) They're intensely loyal to their families.

    10.) They're very playful, and always love to be doing something.

    • Gold Top Dog
    Chizillas 1. You never need an electric blanket to keep your feet warm 2. You could feed filet mignon and lobster for dinner every day to them and it's not to expensive. 3. Easy to pack up and take anywhere you would like. 4. Very smart, amost scary and learn tricks quickly. 5. I'm not sure there are more loyal dogs. 6. You leave for five minutes and get greeted like you have been gone for a year. They just love you! 7. Hilarious, the antics here have me in stitches. 8. Those ears wowza! 9. Are down for whatever you like, lazy if you are, hyper if you are. 10. Bold and saucy, they have no idea they are small. I lover them.
    • Gold Top Dog

    haha Spiritdogs


    1. If I like it, it's mine

    2. If I have it between my paws, it's mine

    3. If I can take it from you, it's mine

    4. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine

    5. If it's mine, it must NEVER appear to be yours

    6. If I'm chewing it, all the pieces are mine

    7. If it looks just like mine, it's mine

    8. If I saw it first, it's mine

    9. If you are playing with something and you put it down, it's automatically mine

    10. If it's broken, it's yours"

     That reminded me of my akita!!!

     Why The Beauceron is my breed!

    1. They have the appearance of elegance and power

    2. Intelligent, and eager to learn

    3. Detemined

    4. Versatility.  One of the VERY FEW breeds that the same individual can work in a variety of fields (obedience, agility, ring sports, herding) AND excell in the conformation ring! no breed splits~!

    5. Low grooming! plus a dark coat that doesnt show dirt! :)

    6.  All the extra toes..how can you NOT love that!?

    7. Plenty of energy to get up and run, yet calm and quiet when needed to be.

    8.  Fearless yet gentle.

    9. A companion that always wants to please.

    10. a less common breed...I feel like I atleast have a CHANCE at preserving the breed as it should be - correct in conformation and versatile!

    • Gold Top Dog

    Top Ten Reasons Mutts are Best (for me)

    1.  They keep you humble ( no pedigree pomposity )

    2.  Cheaper to acquire (typically)

    3. They help you gain access to more forums because they kinda sorta look like oh at least 5 or 6 breeds and then you can attribute their behaviors to 3 or 4 more!

    4.  You never know what to expect

    5.  Like snowflakes, each one is unique and individual.

    6.  No taking the wrong dog home from daycare accidentally because collars got swapped.

    7.  They cause cute guys to ask you "What kind of dog is that?" giving you the opportunity to turn on the charm

    8.  They reduce the pet population by not encouraging breeding

    9.  You can escape BSLs by claiming they are something else

    10.  Getting for the DNA results is like opening a Christmas present or a booby prize -- depending

    ETA: Oh, couldn't leave this one out, they're grateful.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Top Ten Reasons why Irish Setters are the best breed for me:

     1. They LOVE people...walking in the door after going to get the mail you'd think you were gone for a year!

    2. Their silly personality, they get into trouble even when they know it's not allowed just to get attention

    3. Their desire for affection and lots of contact

    4. Their excitement over a bird, rabbit, squirrel etc. never ceases to amaze me...I love that their instincts stay with them and what is ignored by us (like small animals) is the epitome of life in their eyes.

    5. Stubbornness. Irish setters are incredibly stubborn, and while this can be inconvient at times (like trying to get them to come inside with 10 minutes to get to school), I like that they don't listen to someone just because. Kind of like me. :P

    6. Physical attributes...love the color, feathering, head structure, height, and the overall appearance.

    7. Irish Setter "hugs"...

    8. Generally good with kids and other dogs

    9. Permanent puppy mentality, including their inability to tire...love that they thrive on exercise.

    and the number one reason ISs are the best breed for me is...

    10. C'mon, that coat is gorgeous. You should see the looks we get on our walks...hehe, j/k! :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    The 10 best reasons why I think that Black Labrador Retrievers (for me) are the best breed:

    1. They're energetic

    2. They're easy to train

    3. They love to play, but know when play time is over

    4. They love other dogs

    5. They love children, and people in general

    6. They love to snuggle at night with their favorite person

    7. They love to go for rides in the car/boat

    8. They are beautiful, shiny, and classic looking

    9. They'll do ANYTHING for food

    10. When they're goofy, they make me laugh

    • Gold Top Dog

    10 Reasons Why Golden Retrievers Are The Best Breed For Me

    1. Always willing to please
    2. Great with kids
    3. Great with seniors
    4. Great dog park dogs
    5. Loyal protectors
    6. They are quick learners and can memmorize a number of tricks
    7. They travle well
    8. If you are carrying a load of clothes to the washer and you drop a sock they will pick it up and carry it for you
    9. They stick with you when you are ill or sad
    10. They are happy just being with you
    • Bronze

    I dont think I can say it better than Ratsicles did. APBT's are the best dogs for me too.Smile

    • Gold Top Dog

    10 Reasons why the Mountain Cur is the best breed for me...

    10. They never quit!

    9. Tough dogs, not prone to medical issues


    8. The energy level keeps me fit - cause I gotta walk her!


    7. Quieter than normal hounds, unless on the trail


    6. One word: Loyalty


    5. Independence and problem-solving ability


    4. The way they get so excited when they have done something “right” for you


    3. The treeing bark. You know the ear-splitting on I mean ;) Music.


    2. The tail. It never stops wagging. Ever.


    1. The way they are shaped. Pure, compact athleticism, bouncier than a rubber ball and tougher than leather. They were bred to hunt everything from bear to boar to raccoon to squirrel, and boy does it show.


    • Gold Top Dog

     Why Pomeranian's are perfect for me:

    1. Very happy dogs

    2. They are braver than me Stick out tongue

    3. Very in tune with emotions

    4. Very intelligent

    5. Loves to play

    6.  They reminds you to clean the house by leaving clumps of purdy hair everywhere

    7. They Love people (mine did)

    8. Forgiving

    9. Very independent dogs (kinda reminds me of cats haha)

    10. They tell you when they want something lol