Ten good reasons

    • Silver

    Ten good reasons

    Rules here people. Do not knock other breeds. I will start:

    The 10 best reasons why I think that Labrador Retrievers (for me) are the best breed:

    1. They always smile at me

    2. They are always happy to see me

    3. They force my fat butt to excersize

    4. They pick me up when I am sad

    5. They love children

    6. They love seniors

    7. They love all people

    8. Shedding is minimal

    9. No drooling

    10. Daily teach me to love life


    • Gold Top Dog

     Why aussies are perfect for me:

    1. always happy to see me

    2. They love everyone (well at least mine does)

    3. Forces me to exercise

    4. Very smart and loves to learn new things

    5. Wants to be a part of everything that I do

    6.  Wants to succeed and do right

    7. Has a great sense of humor

    8. Wants to make people laugh

    9. loves life, which is contagious. 

    10. Is pretty durable and has a lot of stamina 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Fun! My Aussie list:

    1.) Brilliant! They pick up on things you didn't even know you were trying to teach them!

     2.) Enthusiastic!!! My boy loves new things, but it thrilled to get stuck in a rut with me too. It's all great!

    3.) Loyal. While they may have other "friends," they'll drop everything for their special person.

    4.) Affectionate. Cuddling is a competative sport.

    5.) Stunning good looks. Classic good looks and a color scheme for everyone's taste!

    6.) Watchful. Always on the look out, whether it's for something new/interesting or for the hapless evil-doer. Nothing slips past them.

    7.) Protective. Quick to percieve, quick to act.

    8.) Entertaining. If you laugh, he's just going to keep doing it and gets more dramatic the harder you laugh.

    9.)  Constant companions. Let one into your home and you'll never have a moment to yourself again! Big Smile

    10.) Discerning. "Just because you act friendly, doesn't mean I'm going to like you. Just because you ignore me, doesn't mean you don't love me!!!"

    • Gold Top Dog

    Top 10 for Pharaoh Hounds being right for me:

     1.  They never forget.

    2.   Each of them is completely different.

    3.  They can be so focused on one thing that they lose interest in all else.

    4.  They are quite good at judging people.

    5. Problem solving is something that these dogs are incredible at.

    6.  They aren't completely domesticated.

    7.  They don't want a boss, they want a senior partner.

    8.  They are usually pretty self reliant.

    9.  Prey drive; it's always on.

    10.  Attitude: these dogs have it and use it well.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Why Pit Bulls are perfect:

    1. Their whole world revolves around pleasing you. There is nothing sadder than a pit bull who thinks he did something his owner didn't like. They will literally do anythin you ask of them...that, sadly, is one of the many reasons they are taken advantage of by bad people.

    2. They're drivey but easy to control. I can have a dog that loves doing springpole and flirtpole and other things requireing prey drive, but is tuned into me well enough that I don't have to live in fear of what they might do to my other pets.

    3. They're versatile. Pit bulls have been bred for so many things over the years that they can be good at just about any job you need them to do.

    4. I don't have to worry about them getting into fights with each other. Yeah, you read that right: they may be prone to dog aggression, but a proper pit bull can be trusted to never bite a person under any circumstances. So IF something were to happen, and IF a fight were to break out, I know that I could get in the middle of that fight and pull my dogs apart without being bitten or injured myself. With 6 male dogs who tend to play really rough, that makes me feel infinitely more secure.

    5. They can always be on...or off, depending on what you want. Pit bulls are very active dogs, but (mine at least) are just as content sitting on the couch watching TV with me as they are going on a 10 mile hike. They aren't so active that they get crazy if they miss a walk, and they're not so sedate that you have to force them into activity.

    6. They're so unique and beautiful. Pit bulls encompass 3 different breeds and come in more shapes, sizes, colors, and markings than any other breed I can think of. Each one is completely different and unique from all of the others.

    7. Great with kids. Pit bulls weren't known as "The Nanny Dog" for no reason. When I have children, I'll feel secure in the knowledge that they are watched over by our pit bulls.

    8. They love everyone. A good pit bull is a terrible guard dog. Despite the fact that they are currently one of the most maligned, reviled, stereotyped, and generally shunned breeds in current existance, they have nothing but love even for the people who would wish them dead. I have never known more loving dogs.

    9. They know when to be goofy, and they know when to be calm. Most of the pit bulls I've met are great at sensing what "mode" is appropriate for what situations. With people who are wary of them, they tend to be calm, gentle, and purposeful in their interactions with them. With people who they can tell love them, they can be big goofy goobers. They always seem to know to react to people in ways which are most appropriate for that person.

    10. They bring out the best in their people. With all of the negative hype surrounding pit bulls, it takes strength of character and resolve to own one responsibly. You have to be willing to educate, and willing to bear being publically shunned, cursed at, and spat on by many people who think you are a bad person for loving your dog. You have to risk being run out of town to keep from having your dogs taken away should they be banned. Owning a pit bull responsibly forces you to think of someone other than yourself...your dog. My pits bring out the best in me, and that is why I love them.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Why GSDs are my favorite breed.

    1. Intelligence

    2. Loyalty

    3. Watchful and Protective

    4. Beauty

    5. Velcro-ness

    6. Sweet and lovable

    7. Strong and athletic

    8. Aloof to strangers

    9. Easy to train and willing to please

    10. Strength of character

    • Gold Top Dog

    Carla, I am glad you wrote it all down....that way I don't have to....lolWink

    • Gold Top Dog


    1. They are soooooo smart - makes you wonder how you ever lived with any other breed

    2. Workaholic - always up for the next thing you want to do together

    3. Loyal to the family, but cuddling with their special person is an art form

    4. Protective - no one gets in and out with the silverware if an Aussie is on guard

    5. You will never be alone - someone once said "I asked God for a friend - he sent me an Australian Shepherd"

    6. They notice everything, and tell you they did

    7. They have a sense of justice - first one to nip at a dog that's bullying another dog at play group

    8. Different world view about toys & "stuff" -

    1. If I like it, it's mine

    2. If I have it between my paws, it's mine

    3. If I can take it from you, it's mine

    4. If I had it a little while ago, it's mine

    5. If it's mine, it must NEVER appear to be yours

    6. If I'm chewing it, all the pieces are mine

    7. If it looks just like mine, it's mine

    8. If I saw it first, it's mine

    9. If you are playing with something and you put it down, it's automatically mine

    10. If it's broken, it's yours

    9. They may not be therapy dog material always, but they will always be your therapy dog

    10.  I have one.  (But that doesn't mean there aren't ten good reasons to have my other dogs, too!)

    • Gold Top Dog

    A cairn terrier for me because... 1 entertaining, 2 ready to go anywhere, anytime, 3 playful, 4 talkative, 5 low shedding, 5 loyal, 6 sturdy, 7 has attitude - in a good way, 8 gentle, 9 loves to be outdoors, 10 friendly......there's more, but it's "Ten Good Reasons".

    • Gold Top Dog

    LOL spiritdogs, LOVE the property rules. You really nailed it right there.

    • Silver

    Wow! Thx for all the great responses. Keep them coming. :)
    • Silver

    Here's 10 reasons Samoyeds are the breed for me.

    1. They are happy funny dogs, they make me smile.

    2. I want a breed that I do not have to be especially vigilant with, so a friendly breed is more my speed than a guardian dog.

    3. They have the independent northern dog thing going on, they do not always need to be underfoot. But they are definitely more people oriented than other northern breeds. I like that they have a mind of their own.

    4. Training a Samoyed is more interesting for me than a traditional breed. They want to work, but they don't like endless repetition and neither do I.

    5. Samoyeds are very versatile. They can do herding, sledding, obedience, agility, packing, weight pull. At our Nationals we have all those events except sledding (does not occur in winter) along with conformation. It is a very very busy week.

    6. They usually get along with other dogs.

    7. They remain playful into old age.

    8. They are a natural breed and pretty healthy. They have only been out of their native home in Siberia for about 120 years. If you look at pictures of the original dogs the breed has changed very little.

    9. They are beautiful.

    10. If your dog has the correct coat texture, they are not hard to maintain. Except for shedding time, I can let my male go 4-6 weeks between groomings, my females longer.

    And a number 11. because this is not about the dogs, more about the people who own them. Since we show, I am constantly hanging around other Samoyed people. Many times I have heard that the Sammy people are nicer, friendlier with one another, and more fun. I think we are like our dogs, friendly and social and like to have fun. There have been people around here that hang out with the Sammy people even when they have other breeds.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Top 10 Reasons that a Doberman is right for me.

    1.  Loyalty  Most would lay down their lives for their owner.

    2.  High energy levels make them very capable exercise partners.

    3.  Intelligence-  It's amazing just how quickloy these dogs learn.

    4.  Confidence-  These dogs carry themselves in such a way, that people who do not KNOW them would think that they are arrogant.

    5.  Protection abilities-  Your house in safe with a Doberman on Duty.

    6.  Comedic antics, which are usually reserved only for their closest circle of people.

    7.  Velcro-y behavior-  Not a breed for those who value their privacy, because Dobes are always right there with you.

    8.  Grace-  They are breathtaking to watch run.  So quick, & fluid....

    9.  Dobe smiles

    10.  Being met at the door by a wagging nub, & a genuine happiness to see you.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Spirit Dogs and Jewliee pretty much covered it for me. Luna wants me to print the property rules out and hang them on the toy box for Rosco and Lexi to have as a reference. Confused

    I'll add just one: They talk! Luna and I have conversations in "hrmmm" noises. No matter how down/frustrated/tired I am one little "hermm, herrrrmmmm" from Luna will make me smile and laugh.

    • Gold Top Dog

    haha I wondered if other aussies did that or if it was just Neiko! I love that hrmmmm hrmmmm talking he does. It cracks me up. I have been wanting to encourage it but I'm afraid that it'll eventually turn in to a bark. I do not want a barking dog! I just want a grumbly one ;p