Ten good reasons

    • Gold Top Dog

    The German Shepherd Dog is perfect for me, myself, and I because:

    10. They are stunning to look at

    9. Their loyalty is unmatched by any other breed I've found

    8. Their intelligence and ability to reason astounds me every time

    7. The expression within the breed is incredibly distinctive

    6. They are always where I can see them.  If I'm in a room, so are the Shepherds

    5. They are incredibly discerning in the company they keep...not everybody is their friend.  I like that.

    4. They are relatively serious.  I don't like super happy dogs...they annoy me

    3. They randomly break out of their serious side and do something so hysterically zany that you wonder if you've got a different dog.

    2. They make the most delightfully obnoxious warbling noises

    1. They always come running when I call them, and they love me for me 

    • Gold Top Dog

    10 reasons dachshunds are great for me:

    1. They are so funny, their antics make me laugh, and manage to bring laughter to an entire room full of people.

    2. Super loyal, but also enjoy attention from others.

    3. Draws a crowd every where we go.  Everyone wants to see the adorable little hot dog!

    4. Very little shedding form the short, fine coat.

    5. Soulful, expressive eyes and face.  You always know what they want and what they are thinking.

    6.  Full of personality.  More so than any other breed I've known.

    7. Small enough to take anywhere, 

    8.  Can be a lap dog when y ou feel like a couch potato, but will do a 2 mile hike if you're up for it!

    9. So very smart and clever, the gears in their little heads are always turning.

    10. So loving, they know when you are sad and they lick the tears right off your face.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I dont think I can say it better than Ratsicles did. APBT's are the best dogs for me too.Smile


    Same here!!  I love my Pits and I plan on owning the breed until the day I die! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    *sigh* ~ where are the corgi people?
    1. clowns
    2. very intelligent
    3. enthusiastic
    4. tenacious
    5. independent
    6. vacuums on four legs
    7. friendly with strangers
    8. always happy to go to new places
    9. versatile
    10. there is nothing in the world cuter than a corgi puppy

    • Gold Top Dog


    1.  Healthy - few hereditary problems within the breed and ne'er a sniffle

    2.  Portable

    3.  They don't know they are small!  Full of spunk and lust for life.

    4.  Cheeky.  Attitude.  Lots and lots of attitude.  They will challenge you. "WHY should I do that?"

    5.  A great coat, easy to keep, no shedding

    6.  They never get old.

    7.  Smart!  Whoever said you can't teach an old dog new tricks never owned a cairn.

    8.  Friendly, but doesn't "sell out" to strangers straight off.

    9.  Sturdy, compact, lovely proportions.

    10.  Not yappy.... but mine does "talk" to me.  "Ow wow rooooo!!!!!!" 

    • Gold Top Dog

    Even though my dog is a mix, he is more Siberian Husky than Lab.

    Top 10 reasons my Sibe/Lab is good for me.

    10. Not bred for guarding or HA, is not likely to bite a human. In fact, Sibes, as a breed make lousy watchdogs. A criminal can throw them some food and they will happily munch away. In Shadow's case, he will stay a certain distance and alert bark.

    9. Smart. Can solve problems on the fly, including mid-course corrections.

    8 Affectionate. Though not velcro, they do seek contact from you at certain times of the day. Like right now. I am typiing with half a dog laying on my right forearm. It's a good thing I work out.

    7. Energetic. They were bred to run fast and pull hard in the worst conditions on this planet and eat very little food. So, they have an extremely efficient metabolism and loads of energy. They could run for dozens of miles or hang around the house. But their playfulness will drag you out of the house and you will be running around like a fool trying to keep up with a dog that is one of the fastest breeds there is.

    6. Playful, see above. Without specific training, most Huskies' version of fetch is you throw the ball, they get it, and then take off and you are supposed to catch them.

    5 Independent. As a breed, they had to run in front while hearing the musher's call but would stop a team if they sensed a danger ahead. This is a lifesaver in northeastern Siberia. Which makes it interesting to train them in obedience. So, they don't have to listen to you if their instincts tell them otherwise. They do what they do for a reason. You need to be that reason.

    4 Hearty and rugged. There is no day that is too cold. As a breed, they can withstand average winter temps of -70 F. And they play hard. A good reason to train them not to jump on people is that a 20 mph flying tackle of 60 lb love can knock you over.

    3 Awesome beauty. It has been considered by some that they descended from asian wolves. Whatever is the case, they have retained much of the wild canid look. Until the 20th century, they were never bred for comformation or a particular look. They were bred for workability and temperment. They were expected to sleep with the kids and keep them warm and safe. But I find their beauty to be magnificent. For the last 3 years or so, my calendars have either been Huskies or dog sled racing. No other calendar has really interested me.

    2 A heart as big as Texas, or Alaska, or any other superlative reference I can think of. They will work their heart out for you. A team can pull a couple of hundred pounds at about 20 mph for a couple of hours and will keep going unless you pull over for a break.

    1 Loyalty. They will bond with you and they are pack-oriented, for lack of a better phrase. Wait, what's that smell? See ya ....

    I used to fear that but Shadow could jump the 4 foot fence we have. Either he doesn't know how or he doesn't want to. I'd like to brag that it's the latter.


    • Gold Top Dog


    1. loyalty. I think loyalty is one of the greatest traits a breed can have!

    2. intelligence. wow is all i can say. it's amazing how quickly they pick up and how much they understand.

    3. athleticsm. Kaiser never walks-he trots...even if it's one of our 8 mile hikes! he's an excellent jogging partner too.

    4. protectiveness- i always feel safe with kaiser!

    5. playfulness- if he's awake he's playing fetch or wrestling with me or Wyatt

    6. versatility. schutzhund, police, show, obedience, seeing eye dogs, therapy dogs, SAR...they can do it all.

    7. variety. long coat, short coat and a variety of colors!

    8. beauty.

    9. Patience. ever seen a GSD and a kid?

    10. the total package.


    rhodesian ridgeback

    1. personality. i'm not sure i've ever seen such a personality!

    2. cuddly

    3. intelligent--especially when it comes to finding food!

    4. strength/power

    5. not too energetic, but energetic enough. excellent house dog.

    6. protectiveness.

    7. grace.

    8. beauty. IMO, one of the most beautiful breeds in the world.

    9. the ridge is awesome.

    10. playful.