Dog Bucket List

    • Gold Top Dog


     I'd really love my next dog to be a Belgian Groenendael, so that's definitely #1 on my list. I'd also like a pug and another sheltie, a rough collie, and a silken windhould or a whippet.

      Hey someone who likes Black Dogs! A lot of the stuff you say you are looking for in a dog match up with Belgians - except for one all of my girls have all been right around 40lbs and are happiest when they can go everywhere with their owners and "hang out". Course they are ALL herding dog, so doesn't really satisfy your desire for "something different" so well. And while I don't find their coat care hard, it is similar to what you already have too. When you are ready for one though, feel free to contact me and I can point you in the right direction :)

     Except for the Pug thing, we seem to like similar dogs.  I have Groenendaels, my first purebred was Rough Collie and I really like Whippets and Silken Windhounds (sighthounds in general really).

    • Gold Top Dog



     I'd really love my next dog to be a Belgian Groenendael, so that's definitely #1 on my list. I'd also like a pug and another sheltie, a rough collie, and a silken windhould or a whippet.

      Hey someone who likes Black Dogs! A lot of the stuff you say you are looking for in a dog match up with Belgians - except for one all of my girls have all been right around 40lbs and are happiest when they can go everywhere with their owners and "hang out". Course they are ALL herding dog, so doesn't really satisfy your desire for "something different" so well. And while I don't find their coat care hard, it is similar to what you already have too. When you are ready for one though, feel free to contact me and I can point you in the right direction :)

     Except for the Pug thing, we seem to like similar dogs.  I have Groenendaels, my first purebred was Rough Collie and I really like Whippets and Silken Windhounds (sighthounds in general really).


    I didn't even know the breed existed until a few months ago when I met a Tervuren at the dog park. I was so impressed with the looks and temperament that I came home and did some research...came across the Groenendael and liked them even better. I have been emailing with a breeder that breeds both Groenendaels and shelties about a 2010 litter, but then I started worrying about reactivity and thinking about easier breeds. I'm still on the fence...hubby has pretty well nixed Pugs though.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Ever since getting Bella I think I will always have a Boxer.  I'm hooked.  If I could have any other breed I would choose an English Bulldog, Yorkie, French Bulldog or a Chinese Crested.  I used to have a Shar Pei who came from a bad situation so her social skills were very bad.  But she was a wonderful dog with our family and I would love the opportunity to get one as a puppy so that I could train it to be a good citizen.

    • Gold Top Dog


    I didn't even know the breed existed until a few months ago when I met a Tervuren at the dog park. I was so impressed with the looks and temperament that I came home and did some research...came across the Groenendael and liked them even better. I have been emailing with a breeder that breeds both Groenendaels and shelties about a 2010 litter, but then I started worrying about reactivity and thinking about easier breeds. I'm still on the fence...hubby has pretty well nixed Pugs though.

     Reactivity can certainly be an issue with Belgians but it is a given that it will be an issue. I've had a couple girls who are snarky about dogs getting in their space, especially on lead. My boy and youngest girl are both super social (the boy really is too social for the breed's ideal) and not bothered by anything. There is a tendency in some of them to be resource guarders but it can be prevented or "cured" if you work with them from a young age. My dogs have really been great to take out and about and I always have someone at work with me, someone being a class demo dog and regularly stay at friends or travel with multiples of them.

      It is super important to choose a breeder who places great importance on selecting for dogs who proper temperaments and who is good at matching puppies with people. I have seen generations of dogs that were super reactive with breeders who really think that is just how the breed is because it is all they have ever had. I have seen too many people make excuses for poor temperaments, especially with girls that they are hoping to breed. The breed is supposed to be "aloof" but they are not supposed to be fearful and there is a huge difference between the two. That said, reactivity is a problem which can show up in all lines. Proper socialization and training are very important as well and can make the difference between a dog who is confident and happy in public and a dog who is always worried.

     Feel free to PM me if you want to talk Belgian - I have had the breed for about 16 years now.

    • Gold Top Dog

     We've had, a lab/bc mix, a dobe, a boxer/mastiff/pit/chow, rottie/aussie, and current dogs are a cavalier, and a yorkie/poodle. We're getting another mega mix, as I guess she may be called, she's lab/bc/shepherd of some sort, not sure what else.

    I will have another cavalier for sure, I'd adopt a pittie mix, and I am getting an amstaff some day. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     I love my mutts, and have never owned a purebred before. I can see myself with mutts throughout my life, but there are some purebreds I'd love to have.

    -English Setter(Orange Belton more specifically)

    -Rhodesian Ridgeback

    -Caviler King Charles Spaniel

    -Anatolian Shepherd Dog

    -German Shepherd

    -Belgian Malionis


    There's a lot more, but I can't remember them all now.

    • Gold Top Dog
    My next dog will definitely be a Newfoundland. I've been researching the breed and breeders in Canada and in a few years I would love to have one. They are beautiful dogs, great personalities and I can't think of another breed that would be better around kids. I think in my life I'll be happy with just Pomeranians and Newfs. While I like other breeds, these two seem to best fit my life.
    • Gold Top Dog

    I think the next dog will be a little girl Basenji. OH doesn't know I have a third dog planned as I always said two would be enough, but as fun and challenging as Erik can be, he just doesn't quite do it for me. He's still just way too biddable! The boy will work for a "good boy", for heaven's sake! It makes me realise that Kivi is not as biddable as I thought he was.

    One day I want an Akita. 

    Canaan Dog was ABSOLUTELY going to be after Finnish Lapphunds, but then the only breeder in Australia left the country. Crying

    I'd also very much like to have a Saluki. We nearly went that way this time, but our yard isn't big enough.

    I dream of a Tibetan Mastiff, but it will probably never happen. 

    I think we will have Finnish Lapphunds again. It is a wonderful breed. I have to say that for all I want more aloof and independent dogs, it's pretty sweet going to the dog park and having two dogs that will gleefully greet every dog they come across and give all the right signals, not provoke fights, behave confident and friendly, and just generally be delights to have around. 

    • Gold Top Dog

    There will always be an Am Staff in my life. They are just like me! Both DH and I like Pugs and French Bulldogs.  We actually looked at these when we got Radar, but I couldn't find any in rescue that DH would agree to.

    I personally like Dobermans and Rotties as well, but DH is intimidated by them, so I suspect we will never have those breeds.  Dang it!

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've only ever owned a Beagle and a Rottweiler.  While I love the beagle to death, she's the sweetest thing ever....I don't know that I will have another.  I will always have a Rottweiler though.  I am sold on the breed.  I love their big giant heads, I think they are just adorable and they are such good natured dogs.  Timmy is great around kids, always has been even as a tiny pup. 

    I also know that someday I will own whippet and I would love to own an english staffy but I have to move to own one of them (they are banned in my province).  I would love to own a Bernese Mountain dog and Saint Bernard one day too, but I don't know if that will ever happen.  

    • Gold Top Dog

    Over the course of my life I've had Poodles, Norwegian Elkhounds, a Siberian Husky, a Sibe/GSD mix, a black Lab, a Lab/English Setter mix, and now a yellow Lab.  Like most of you, we're stuck on the breed we have now.  I've got my heart set on having a Powder Puff CC one day.  I could see a Rottweiler living here, too.  There are a ton of breeds I really like, but, for one reason or another, I just don't see us having them (Doberman, Bullmastiff, Newfoundland, Beagle, Borzoi).

    • Gold Top Dog

    Can't believe  I never posted on this thread.  I've been a Golden girl since my first one at the age of 15 (everybody in unison...THANK YOU FOR BEIN' A FRIIIIIIEEEND...TRAVEL DOWN THE ROAD AND BACK AGAIN...)  I will always have goldens for the rest of my life...other than that, the more I've been researching Leonbergers, I like them, too, but, will REALLY need more space before we even consider one.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Every day i spend with my dobe, or whenever i am around someone else' confirms that this is MY breed! I do want another ridgeback, or even a whippet one day, but i just can't comprehend being able to get another puppy and NOT getting a dobe! (shhh, don't tell Wyatt!)

    • Gold Top Dog


    There are a ton of breeds I really like, but, for one reason or another, I just don't see us having them (Doberman, Bullmastiff, Newfoundland, Beagle, Borzoi).

    Sue, it's probably for the best that you don't get a dobe.  They are terribly addictive, & you'll never want another breed again.  EVER!!!!  If you don't believe me, just ask Megan! Big Smile


    • Gold Top Dog



    There are a ton of breeds I really like, but, for one reason or another, I just don't see us having them (Doberman, Bullmastiff, Newfoundland, Beagle, Borzoi).

    Sue, it's probably for the best that you don't get a dobe.  They are terribly addictive, & you'll never want another breed again.  EVER!!!!  If you don't believe me, just ask Megan! Big Smile

    That wouldn't bother me- we'd just have a Labs and Dobes.  LOL  I've wanted a Dobe for as long as I can remember- ever since I saw the movie The Doberman Gang.  I was so taken with how smart they are.  What's stopping me from getting one is my husband- he's never been too keen on them (I think he had a bad experience with a couple growing up), and he wants a dog that kids aren't afraid to approach.  Of course, I keep telling him kids aren't afraid of any breed- it's the parents who freak out.