Dog Bucket List

    • Gold Top Dog

    Someday I will have a Doberman. No if's,and's, or but's. It is going to happen.

    That aside, other breeds I want to have before I go.....Giant Schnauzer. Italian Greyhound or Whippet. Manchester Terrier. Irish Terrier. Staffy or Staffy cross.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I've only owned Labs and Cocker Spaniels. I grew up with 2 Springer Spaniels (my Dad used them for hunting pheasants, they were "his" dogs not family pets). I love SS's but they're not for me. I will always be with a black Labrador- always. They're my heart breed. I'll probably always adopt them. I would like a small dog someday that is active and energetic, friendly, and easy to groom. IDK what breed that is though! DH had a Golden/Lab mix (pound pup) growing up and a Akita (he got from a friend because it was aggressive with the friends other dog). DH wants a Golden or a Corgi someday. He wants to raise it- he's never raised a puppy before- and wants to do the research, get to know the breeder, the pups parents, etc.

    • Gold Top Dog

     I will probably always have a Crested or IG. Didn't include that in my list, but they are perfect, for me, in size, temperament, and coat. VERY easy to get along with. They are not considered biddable breeds, but I've found them fantastic to train.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I'd be very content with nothing but Dobermans for the rest of my life. They're definitely my forever breed... with a Toller on the side as my "just for fun" dog, haha. That said, I really want a Dalmatian at some point in my life. Other than that, there are plenty of other breeds I like, but aren't a "must have". :)

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'll always have herding breed mixes, especially ACD/BC crosses.  I might go for a purebred ACD or Malinois, maybe a BC with the right temperament (I like my dogs hard/tough vs. soft and many of the BCs I know are on the softer side).  I like pibbles but probably won't have one because of the dog aggression issues.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Breeds that I haven't owned? Maybe a Saint Bernard, Brussels Griffon, French Bulldog or Mini Schnauzer. Although it's not a HAVE to. I'd be just as happy without them. I've had a Golden Retriever, Shar Pei, Cocker Spaniel, Pekingese, Shih Tzu and Chihuahua.

    I ALWAYS want to have Shih Tzu in my life and probably a Chihuahua and Shar Pei. When my husband and I move to a new house, my first addition that I'm planning is a Shar Pei, then another Shih Tzu. That would probably be enough for me to handle. So my roster would be 2 Shih Tzu, 1 Shar Pei and 1 Chihuahua. Plus a Persian cat. I think 4 dogs and a cat is nice. :)

    • Gold Top Dog

    I have had an Aussie before.  Currently, I have Boxers, Doxies, a Dobe, a mutt, & a "doodle" aka another mutt.  I've also lived with Black & Tan Coonhounds, & a Vizsla  I know that I will always have a Dobe.

    I will eventually have a Malinois, Standard Poodle, Greyhound & another Vizsla. 

    I would love to be able to have a Fila, Presa, or Cane Corso, but I have come to realize that they would probably not be the best dogs for me, due to the type of lifestyle that I lead.

    DH has his heart set on a Chessie, so I suppose that we will have a Chessie at some point in time as well.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I doubt I'd ever be without GSDs, but for my husband and as the "family dog" we'll always have a shelter dog/mix as well.  I could settle for a Malinois, Mali/GSD cross, or Dutch Shepherd.

    • Gold Top Dog
    This is a fun topic! Top of my list is a working line Malinois!!!! After that, in no particular order: bouvier, laekenois, dutch shepherd, beauceron, cattle dog, jack russell, and maybe a Border Staffie for flyball someday.
    • Gold Top Dog

    Good question!

    I have owned Border Collies and Pitbulls/Pit mixes.

    I would love to own another Border Collie...but not until we move back into the country. I just don't think I'd be a good "in town" BC owner.

    I have always wanted to have a Presa Canario.  They just look so silly and sweet!  I'm a bit fan of the bully looking dogs and have always wanted a Rottie and Dobe as well!

    • Gold Top Dog

    My bucket dog list changes frequently, but I have generally been ruminating on:

    Bernese Mountain Dog

    Standard Poodle (black or blue or parti color)

    Lowchen (sable or black/white)

    I've had small dogs (minpin- NEVER again! lol, bichons, toy poodles) for so long now, I'd like to experience big dog life for once.

    Wanted to add:  Portuguese Water Dog (wavy coat)

    And I think the black lab/golden mixes with the golden coats are adorable as well! Some sort of fuzzy mutt

    • Gold Top Dog

     Ohhh! Lowchen! Or a Bedlington! I LOVE Bedlingtons.


    The toy group? LOL

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'd really love my next dog to be a Belgian Groenendael, so that's definitely #1 on my list. I'd also like a pug and another sheltie, a rough collie, and a silken windhould or a whippet.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Greyhounds, without a doubt!

    • Gold Top Dog

     The next dog that I get will either be a Landseer Newfoundland or a Dogue De Bordeaux. I've been researching the Bordeaux since March after seeing them and talking to a breeder at the dog show. Then I meet the Landseer Newfie in June at a dog show and fell in love with them. So been researching the heck out of those 2 breeds. I would like to own both eventually but one of them will definitely be my next show dog.