Dog Bucket List

    • Gold Top Dog

    Dog Bucket List


    What dogs would you like to own this lifetime that you haven't and why?

    I have owned Poodles and Labs

    I would love to own a Malinois. I love the way they work and their work ethic. 

    I would really like a wire haired German pointer. They can handle wheather and scrub  well, i love the character, and the height is nice for me.

    I love Wesites. Don't know why or how, but they are nearly the only terrier that i like a whole lot.

     I think i could find a spot for a greyhound or  a whippet that needs a home. They are just such great dogs.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Hmmm, tough question, and my answer changes daily.

    I'd love more cresties and chis.  Breeds I haven't owned and would like to:  Aussies, Ibizan hound, greyhound, great dane, xolo, whippet, rough collie, dobe, and papillon. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     Hmmm...this could be fun.

    I currently have huskies, and if I ever move somewhere where I can have trails and a good outbuilding, I'll probably have more.

    I am looking at Doberman breeders for my next dog.  I really really want one and have been doing alot of research, but that probably won't be for a few years yet.  I'm fighting the puppy fever.

    I'm also in love with Neo Mastiffs.  and American Bulldogs, but I'm gonna need a much bigger house, before I can expand that much.  LOL.  I've heard one Bully is never enough, so I'd best just be prepared to house several before I even get one.

    If I get more huskies, I'll probably get a couple Malamutes as well.  They kinda go hand in hand, since my huskies are Northern, not Sibe and the Beast at least runs on the bigger side of standard for a Sibe.  

    Hmm...after that I might think about a small dog.  Not sure totally what kind.  I'm kinda in love with the Cresties at the moment, but how on earth one would survive where I live without peepads, is beyond me.  And I don't "do" pee pads.

    • Gold Top Dog

    Huskymom,  my solution to pee pads (and not having them) is jammies.



    I know a few people with cresties who live in cold climes.  I could check with them if you'd ever like me to.

    • Gold Top Dog
    I think I have found my life long breed in aussies. They are smart, easily trainable, versatile and loyal. Pretty much everything I want in a dog
    • Gold Top Dog

    I've always had Labs and GSDs as an adult.  I've been thinking about what kind of dog/pup would be next after the Houligans depart this life.  By that time (doG willing)...I'll be 60ish.  I think it will be time to go smaller.  I love Bull Terriers for the mere character they have.  But, again...considering my age...might not be the best choice.  I had doxies as a kid; and so did DH, thats a consideration as well.  But, Papillions were introduced to me via this community...and having one of those precious dogs just might be the ticket. 

    • Gold Top Dog
    The only two I really feel I HAVE to have that I haven't are at least one phalene and at least one border collie, although I figure I'll have more than one bc in my life. Hopefully the border collie will come in a few years time. I almost got one this past year but ended up somehow with another pap (doesn't that always happen?) As far as phalenes go, they've really grown on me looks wise and are kind of unusual dogs that you don't see often. Plus they're papillons so they have that wonderful charm and personality I adore in a slightly different package. The only problem is they're darn hard to find in this country. There are lots of other breeds I'm not opposed to owning (dobes, tollers, gsd again, cresties, aussies, shelties again, etc) but those two are the ones I know I have to have one day!
    • Gold Top Dog

    I've owned: Cocker Spaniels, Beagles, Chiahuhuas, and a Newfie/Lab mix.

    I want to own: Lab, Loon(lab/coon), Great Pyrenees, Jack Russell Terrier, Westie, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Bernese Mountain Dog.

    • Gold Top Dog

     Today, I own one Parson Russell Terrier, one Chinese Crested, and one Italian Greyhound. I have owned a GSD, a Golden/Lab mix, a Corgi mix, and a Dachshund. I've fostered several other breeds. I had no idea I'd be so in love with the IG I'd keep her.


    Dogs I have to have include a Xolo (intermediate or standard), a Poodle (mini, or toy) and possibly a Portie. I'm not super interested in dogs that shed a whole lot, or that are large. I like being able to scoop them up and kiss them! 

    • Gold Top Dog

    I, or with my family have owned ridgebacks, GSD, JRT, beagle, lab and pound puppy. Honestly with ridgeback and doberman, i have what i want.

    That being said, i've become VERY interested in whippets. I'm not sure when i'll get one, but hopefully one day i can.

    Always really liked Bernese Mountain dogs and american bulldogs too...doubt i will ever own either.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I think I have found my life long breed in aussies. They are smart, easily trainable, versatile and loyal. Pretty much everything I want in a dog


    Me, too.  But, I wouldn't mind a Border Collie in the pack.  And, Gina's pictures always make me want to have a Leo (had a Beagle already).

    • Gold Top Dog

    I know I want to raise my own chow puppy.  But, also I really like English Setters and the rough Collie.  If my brother has his way I will get a Scottie, LOL. 

    • Gold Top Dog

     I'm sold on corgis for life. They are smart,listen well, live to please and extremely cute. That being said, if my life circumstances were different a dobie would be in the equation.

    • Gold Top Dog

    I want another Chow sometimeSmile We'll always have one or two.

    Other breeds I like are Poodles (love the standards, but any size will do)..we'll probably always have at least a poodle mix. Standard Schnauzers are nifty as well.

    • Gold Top Dog

    oh gosh theres so many! I really like the  Neo Mastiff, and would lovfe to ADOPT a white dobie! ( i dont believe in promoting the color, but they are so beautiful!), an amstaff, st bernard, really pretty harlequin great dane!  Ive adored Ibizan hounds for a long time, and wanted a saluki since i was a small child, so those would have to come as well!

     ONe day, i seriously DO plan to own another Tibetan Mastiff, a caucasian ovtcharka, and an Afghan Hound (not necessarily all at the same time - yikes thats alot of hair!)