I updated my own 'geriatric' thread -- my Dad is in the hospital. It's likely his heart and they're initially calling it congestive heart failure. He's had a by-pass, etc. and was pretty well fibbing to me (in spades) because I think HE was scared and didn't want to entertain the possibility that he was having more heart problems.
He's going to have a full slate of tests tomorrow ... but tonight they had him on mega diuretics (he's full of fluid) and had given him something to sleep but he was comfortable and Mom called me to tell me that (after she had told me NOT to call the hospital because she thought he was asleep and didn't want me to wake him up).
So at least we caught this before something truly horrible happened (like a heart attack or collapse).
The positive thing is that I inadvertently got him to GO to the dr. -- apparently the 'hope' that it was just a drug interaction got him to GO where he has been too scared to even think about going to the dr. The Alpha of all Alphas works in mysterious ways -- but I'm really glad I kept after him and kept nagging him to go to a dr.
In particular, when I call his doctors tomorrow I hope someone LISTENS because they have to remember to consider my mother can NOT see.
I would like to SHAKE someone for allowing her to drive home tonight (she has macular degeneration and sees only a slight 'ring' around the outside of her vision -- and she DROVE HOME in a blizzard). Soooo there must be some tired angels?? (it couldn't be easy keeping that car on the road and out of trouble). But I can't believe someone at his doctor's office didn't have presence of mind enough to know SHE would be stuck there (it's her doctor too and they are well aware she can't see).
But again -- it may actually have rattled her hard enough to have scared her out of trying TO drive. She told me tonight she's going to take a cab when she goes to the hospital tomorrow. But *sigh* it would never have occurred to her NOT to drive home. She's too independant.
Anyway -- your prayers and good thots for this whole situation would be appreciated.