I'm a tough old broad and can handle just about anything life throws at me, but, this one has me shaking in my boots and suffering horrible anxiety attacks.
DH and I are both out of work, have been for months. The guy who owns the house we wanted to buy has decided that we need to move, despite paying rent through all this. His son and fiance are as we speak moving into the lower level and she is a non stop whiner. The owner and his son are drinking like mad and fighting....loudly.....pretty constantly.
We HAVE to get out of here, but, we have no place to go, no family who happens to have an extra house sitting around vacant, and no money to even move. It is looking like we are going to have to find a park and live in the RV until DH gets a job. Which is going to be harder with no phone or internet, and three adults, two cats and six german shepherds in the RV will not be a lot of fun. Everything we own will have to go into storage.
I'm absoluely terrified. I'm usually able to stay really upbeat and positive, but I've been doing that for months and my optimism is wearing a little thin. At the very BEST we have to be out by April 1st, and thats IF the fiance doesn't get her way and IF we can deal with this for that long.
So, some good vibes and prayers for a job for DH FAST and the means and method to actually move to where ever that is. FAST. Hate to be asking yet again, but, things are really getting scarey here!