Posted : 5/25/2006 2:52:24 PM
Well I left 2 messages for the lady yesterday, finally someone called me back around 6pm and she said I had the wrong number. I called the shelter again and they really weren't any help. The number I called was what they had written down, so either the shelter lady wrote it down wrong or the caller gave the wrong number. Either way, they had an idea of where the lady picked the dog up at so I am headed out to that area to put up posters tonight. It is in the next town over, which is quite a distance (on the other side of the lake). Adds are in the paper there as well.
Just seems crazy that she claims to have had him since the 14th but made no effort to call the shelter or take him in to get scanned for a chip etc. I am just really glad that the shelter is keeping up with my information, guess they kinda have to with me calling and stopping by so often.
I am keeping my fingers crossed and good thoughts that this is him and I will get him back.