Posted : 7/15/2011 10:26:05 PM
You are all wonderful and very appreciated. We saw the vet early on and he was confounded. The MCT thought came when I called back to let them know it was getting larger. If you 'play' with an MCT it becomes irritated and usually responds by getting larger, sort of like a sting or bite can do. The fact it was getting larger despite having been given benadryl was also seen as 'bad'.
the reason they didn't aspirate it is because you can spread the mast cells by doing so
I am sure that they will test it once it is out
it is all new to me so I am reading all that I can and just staying calm. Although we went and visited his girlfriend Bella and at one point she put her nose right to the lump. Made me think the worst then :( Thank you for sharing the positive experiences!