Posted : 7/26/2011 4:27:32 PM
I'm sorry to use less-than pleasant language here, but I'll type what I just said aloud when I saw the new thread title: "Holy crap!" I've been crossing my fingers for things like clear margins and a prognosis that included 100% recovery after some treatment, etc. I never thought about a completely different (and weird!) diagnosis altogether. This is the best news ever!
although the last 10 days have aged me 10 years
That was the other thing I thought of as soon as I read your update. Talk about an emotional roller coaster . . . the worry and sadness you've shouldered for several days would age me, for sure. No matter how much we want to learn from our dogs about living in the moment and continuing to do zoomies until you truly know what you're dealing with, we can't help but think of all the worst case scenarios. I guess Bugsy knew all along that he was OK, and therefore had no need to do the resting and recuperating that you wanted him to do since his surgery!
I'm so happy for you and your husband -- my guess is you'll both sleep extremely soundly tonight. Yay!!