Posted : 3/19/2011 8:43:53 PM
Thank you everyone. No luck on today's weaning attempt. But, they continue to say that success will be made. I don't know now if they are saying this as fact or simply hope. They had to give her blood today, because she was "bleeding out" She had been in Heparin, the blood thinner. They've taken her off that now.
Reality is that if they can't wean her off the breathing machine, they will have to put in a trach (sp?) and assist her lungs that way to breathe. IF they are able to take her off and her lungs do their seems it would only be a matter of time before she is back in.
The other piece of this whole thing (before this current event) is that in a moment of fright in not being able to breathe, she took herself off of the DNR. So, now she finds herself in this predicament and also means her kids will have the burden of making final decisions.