Posted : 2/17/2011 3:59:17 PM
There are SOME dogs ... when they get over the Bridge they are happy and gamboling around having fun. There are other dogs who creep over the Bridge -- who get to the bottom and are almost sad and when they are told "But you won't hurt here" they say "But SHE'S ALONE -- I COULDN'T STAY **ANY** LONGER -- I didn't WANT to leave her. I'm **SO** worried!"
And those dogs are shown to that spot just a little ways away -- where they come down to the water of the River of Life that runs *under* the Bridge. And they are shown that when they look into that River of Life -- they SEE their family or whever they are worrieda about. In fact sometimes I think they are allowed to see a little in the future ... or perhaps are able to give direction as to what new companion their people may NEED.
How often have we all heard someone say "I think he SENT this dog to me!" --
Isn't Heaven or Rainbow Bridge or whatever we want to call it supposed to give ALL of us what we most want? Why would that be withheld from our faithful friends? Who knows us better?
I think that's sometimes what keeps angels busy. That's my own thot but ... well, it's what I think anyway.