Posted : 3/26/2009 3:03:43 PM
[quote user="kle1986"]I would not yell at him!! He is just telling
her to back off she's in his space and he isnt comfortable. I mean
would you let some strange kid come and climb all over you and be up in
your face?
[quote user=espencer] Maybe not yelling but for sure a voice correction would be needed.
The owner should do a voice correction AND remove the dog that is
invading the personal space. It's never a good idea to "delegate"
discipline because the dog might next time take it too far. The key its
to prevent the escalation of the behavior [/quote]
Note that I said dogs can handle this as long as there is no real biting going on - dogs do this naturally, and ritualistically, and do not normally need human intervention unless they are acting inappropriately. It is perfectly normal for an older dog not to want a puppy in their face, and they use their own language to tell the pup that. No one is saying that it is ok for a dog to hurt another, but I can tell you haven't been around many large play groups that include dogs and pups if you are this worried about an older dog asking a younger one to keep its distance. If the owner wants to "correct" the pup, it should be done by teaching it "leave it - come", and not by yelling at it, which doesn't really work, and which will upset the older dog, who is already fearful. Remember, fear and poor association with puppies (i.e. some human yelling) can actually make matters worse by instilling more fear, which can escalate to aggression.
[quote user="Liesje"] I agree with Kimberly, your dog is not fear
aggressive here but he probably will become fear/dog aggressive if
someone yells at him everytime another dog gets in his face.
[quote user=espencer] This is totally flat out wrong. Dogs dont think that way whatsoever.
If you are doing a voice correction they will never blame the other
dog, they know the correction comes out from the human, his focus is
taken away from the other dog and re directed to the human, lowering
this way the level of the behavior towards the other dog and preventing
a fight. Dogs do not make "3 point connection of events" [/quote]
No, it is you who are flat out wrong, and Liesje is right on the money. Dogs certainly are capable to associate loudness, even if it comes from the human, as only occurring while the other dog is present.
[quote user="spiritdogs"]but should not *yell* at ANY dog (including
his own), even one that is telling his pup off, so long as no one is
drawing blood;-)
[quote user=espencer] So according to you the ower should not do anything until its time
to clean the boold out of the puppy? Like i said before "delegating"
discipline to a dog can be dangerous, maybe the puppy didnt get the
message (probably most of them do but not 100% of them) and the dog
decided that a bigger correction it's needed.[/quote]
No one is saying that you should let a puppy bully an older dog ad infinitum, just that you are not accomplishing anything by yelling at the pup, and you will probably make the older dog MORE fearful, not less. The path to any happy canine/human social group is training and conditioning/counter-conditioning, not meaningless sounds or words.