Posted : 12/26/2010 9:45:44 PM
Kevin Behan
I think we all agree that emotion is universal to all animals, and so in that sense I concur that it is hardwired. In other words, the genetic code of all animals endow them with the basic emotional repertoire of affects.
Actually ,many behavourists and others would deny animals emotions. The basic premise of behavourism is that behaviour is studied , not the underlying phsiological or neuroligical origins of that behaviour. I really suggest that you get Panksepps book "Affective Neuroscience" as it has quite concise chapter on this
Kevin Behan
However by definition if emotion is a universal feature of animal consciousness, it cannot therefore be a function of instinct since instincts are species-specific fixed action patterns dependent on more customized sets of genes and which keep the various species specifically adapted to their evolutionary niches.
This is a complicated mix up ! I try and use the word mode rather than emotion to explain to lay people what an emotion under modern research is defined as. One explanation is that an emotion is a nerochemical state that involves the actiation of a particular brain ciruit that may or may not be mediated by higher order brain functions. There are instinctive behaviours that result from such emotions that are often species specific. What you have got mixed up is that Emotion-> Instinctive Behaviour NOT the other way around. You would make a good behavourist!!!
There is a strong possibility that other animals can detect other animals emotional states. To do so is a very neccessary tool. There are several ways that this may happen. One is visually, another is by scent, it seems that for dogs there very good sense of smell aids them. We give them an abudant array fo signals as to what our state may be. It is vital for their survival that this be so. This communication involves emotional systems, and doesn't generally involve higher order mediated functions.I think Networked Intelligence is a fantasy at this stage and discredits what we know. An advantage of Networked intelligence would be that the overall intelligence would be raised, but to be honest we are communicating at a very primal level with a whole lot of information such as cognitive thought discarded.Any network that does this doesn't usually have the word Intelligence attached.
Kevin Behan
Furthermore, this is also why the best definition of emotion will prove to be that it is a universal impulse ("force";) of attraction.
Emotions may jst as easily result in distance being placed between animals, and in a huge number of cases does. You can look at Lion, Zebra interactions, for example. I can't accept this a all. it seems shallow and doesn't reflect the most basic of objective observations. It does nothing at all to understandings. Give me Panksepp !!